6 - The Girl

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Ashley chewed her granola bar as you walked along the path. Rain continued to pour down as Leon led the way.

"What's... what's gonna happen to me?" She asked.

"Right now, let's just focus on getting you outta here," Leon replied, scanning the area around.

"Yeah... right," she didn't finish her granola bar, but instead wrapped half of it up, and tucked it away in her pocket.

You came up on a shack with a purple torch, and you almost squealed with excitement. The Shopkeeper was just as happy to see you, complimenting your eyes as you purchased items from him, mostly ammo, until your eyes landed on something else.

A semi-automatic shotgun.

You bargained back and forth with the Shopkeeper, until he eventually settled for 16,000 pesetas and a bunch of your gems, leaving you with only the ruby Luis had gifted to you.

"Trade you," you said, holding out the semi-automatic.

Leon reluctantly handed over his shotgun, and strapped the new gun to his back. You gave the Shopkeeper many thanks, and left the shack with the two blondes following behind. You came up on two heavy gates that Leon pushed open, of course.

Those opened to a village.

The Ganados inside weren't too happy to see you, immediately throwing flaming torches and axes.

"Leon!" Ashley screamed.

"Guess we're doing this," he grumbled, kicking open a barrel as you tested out your new toy.

The shotgun worked like a charm, and everything was going great until a Ganado scooped Ashley up. She screamed, kicking and wailing until you shot the Ganado. You then turned your attention on the big Cow Ganado, who was charging straight for you. After maybe 20 shotgun shells, he dropped, and you groaned when Ashley tripped as she tried to run past you. You grabbed her arm, pulling her up.

"Uppies," you said, walking towards a wooden staircase as Leon shot down more Ganados.

The trio ran along the raised wooden path, avoiding the woman who threw the fireballs from the sky. Leon was the first to hop down, before landing straight in a bear trap.

"Jesus," you hopped down next to him, prying the trap open with him.

Ashley hopped down, glancing at Leon's leg as he let out a grunt of pain.

"You're fine," you assured him, not necessarily sarcastically. "It's open! Move!"

Leon yanked his leg out of the trap, before dashing towards the wooden gates that hopefully lead out of the village. While jogging down the wooden path, you handed Leon some first aid spray, and he stumbled as he tried to spray it on his wounded leg.

"Sure is quiet," Leon pointed out as you got deeper into what should have been surrounded by Ganados.

"I don't like quiet," you muttered. "Not anymore."

Of course, Leon thought quickly. Quiet means Lickers.

He followed behind you through the maze of wooden walls and barricades, his limp beginning to fade. You soon heard the angry grunts of villagers, and followed them. The noises led you to a staircase, where you killed the Ganado on top, and began to creep through the raised village. You came upon a house, the silence was still unnerving. There was a small locker inside the house, and Leon jabbed a thumb at it.

"Hide," he said bluntly.

"What?" Ashley sassed, before you gave her a look. "Okay."

You felt a lot better when she was tucked away, out of harm's way. You and Leon moved to scan the surrounding area, trying to figure out what had it so quiet. You hopped down from a drop-off, killing the last remaining Ganado, leaving you in dead silence. With her dead, you walked into a large shack — after Leon broke off the padlock — and inside found some first aid spray.

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