Fresh start

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I changed into my pj's and then sat don't on the couch looking at my laptop
I sighed and then searched up Ines's name
"There she is.." I said as I opened the first article I found of her
"23 years old, Ines was found dead in her parents house after the tragic death of Alexia" I was reading out loud as my eyes filled with tears
"What happened to Off from the Moon? Will they ever come back together again? Stay tuned" I continued riding

I sighed and went into the kitchen to get my cigarettes but instead of that, I found an electric one
"Huh?" I hummed as I took it and looked at it, Glo? What in the hell was this?
While I looked at it I saw a note wrote in my manager's hand writing
"Dear Ale,
I know you can't resist without your cigarettes but let's be honest, who doesn't?" I smiled while reading this
"One of our sponsors send me this "electric cigarette" so called, I don't know but it's really interesting, I got one too" I continued reading as I saw a photo attached to it
I laughed softly and then started to unpack it
I was shocked to see a white device that looked just like a portable charger
I took it out and started to read the instructions, ok? Wow...
I looked for any pack of cigarettes and found one that was blue, I grabbed it and then opened it
I put it in the device and turned it on
As I waited for it to start I went back to the living room and then continued looking at the article

"After the tragic passing of Alexia Rubio at the age of 20 and Ines at the age of 23...she was 22 but whatever..." I said as I started to smoke
"Off from the Moon, a beloved band torn apart" I continued reading
I closed the website and I looked up Amanda's name
To my surprise, she actually got married to Georg
I smiled and looked up at her instagram and saw so many pictures of them
Amanda and her husband looked so happy...sometimes I wish that would be me and Tom but when I remember what happened in Germany...all the trauma comes back
I sighed and continued to look at the pictures
"Amanda is living her life" I thought as I continued looking and smoking
I looked through her posts some more and smiled every time I saw Tom and Bill
I smiled softly and then zoomed in at his face
I saw the sadness in his eyes, in both of their eyes actually
I sighed and closed my laptop and then opened my phone to text my hair stylist
After I did that I looked behind me and saw Lily looking down at me
"Lil' holy shit- you almost gave me a heart attack" I said
"Is everything alright Ale?" She asked as I nodded
"Yeah it's just that...I might miss someone" I said as Lily sat down next to me
"Tell me everything! C'mon spill the tea" She added as I smiled
"Thanks Lily" I said as I started to tell her everything

Salvatore- Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now