The trauma...

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"So everyone...this is Hugo, Hugo Alejandro Rubio" I said as Hugo looked at each and everyone of them
"Nice too meet you all" Hugo added as the boys got up and shook his hand
"I'm Gustav" He introduced himself
"Hi, I'm Georg" Georg said as he shook his hand
"Amanda's husband, congratulations"  Hugo said
"Thank you!" Amanda said
"Hi I'm Bill."
"Nice to meet you Bill"
And lastly Tom
"Tom, Tom Kaulitz"
"Hugo, Hugo Rubio"

I smiled awkwardly and then sat down next to Hugo
"What brings you guys here?" I asked
"We're on a tour right now, we start tomorrow" Bill said as Hugo looked at me
"Are you guys singing by any chance?" Hugo asked
"We are actually" Gustav said as Amanda smiled
"For a modeling agency!" She said as I smiled
"And for a new band! God their music is so nice" Amanda said
I looked at Hugo, then he looked at me and we started to laugh
"What's the name of the band?" Hugo asked
"I don't know but I know one of their songs" Amanda said
"That one that goes like.." She added
"Agh! It's in Spanish but I know it! It goes like" She continued as she hummed the song
"That's "El Talismán" by Rosana" Hugo added
"Yeah that's the one! But they covered it" Amanda added

Hugo looked at me again and we started to laugh again
"Wait up" I said as I went to a glass case and opened it
I pulled out a record player and then came back to the others
"This band?" I asked as I handed it to Amanda
"Yes! This exact same one!" She said as Hugo laughed and hit his leg
"What's wrong?" Bill asked as he was looking at the record too
"You guys can't see it?" I asked
"See what?" Tom asked
"Hugo, ven aquí!" ( come here! ) I said as Hugo approached me
I moved my hair out of the way and then pressed my cheek on his
"Pss! Ama!" I said as Amanda looked at us
"Does this ring any bell?" I asked as Amanda gasped
"No fucking way.." She said
"Yes fucking way" Hugo added as he catch his hair up in a bun
"That's you?!" Bill asked
"No Bill, it's our dead mama and papa" I said as I sighed
"Oh sorry.." Bill said
"It's ok" I added as I looked down and started to play with my hands
Hugo noticed that I wasn't feeling ok so he placed his hands on mine
Tom noticed how I was looking and got up
"We'll see you guys tomorrow?" He asked as Hugo also got up
"It was nice meeting my cuñado" Hugo said as I looked down
"Your what?" Ton asked as Hugo shook his hand
"Search it up on internet and you'll see" Hugo said as everyone goes up and left the house

When I heard the door closing, that's when I lost it...
"Hugo! hermano!..." I start to cry as Hugo ran up to me and hugged me
"'s ok, hermana... they are gone.." Hugo said as he hugged me tight
"They won't hurt you anymore.."

Salvatore- Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now