Nothing hurts me

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Tom pulled in my driveway and then kissed my hand
"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" He asked as I nodded
"I'm coming later tonight, is that ok?" I asked, raising my eyebrow
"Of course" Tom said as he let go of my hand
I smiled and then got out of the car, I went up to my house and saw the boys coming out with their luggages
"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached them
"My mom.." Ignazio said as I covered my mouth
"I'm so sorry." I answered as he started to cry
I approached him and hugged him tight
"Shh..It's ok.." I said as he hugged me back
"I'm so sorry you guys can't stay any longer" Hugo said as he shook Gianluca and Piero's hands
"It's ok, nobody wanted this to happen" Piero said
"Do you guys need a ride?" I asked as I let go of Ignazio
"Don't worry, we are going with our manager" Piero said as I nodded
"It was so nice having you boys here, I wish we could have spent more time together" I added as Ignazio sniffed
"Thank you Alexia Rubio, thank you for everything" Ignazio said as I nodded
"Condoglianze" I said as I saw a car pulling up in the driveway
"Here, let me help you" I said as I grabbed Ignazio's suitcase and went to their car

I placed the suitcase in the back of the car and then hugged the boys one more time
"Guida sicuro e prenditi cura di te!" I said as they all waved at me as they drove away
I sighed and went back to my house
"I'm so sorry for him.." Hugo said as he hugged me
"I'm sorry for him as well" I added but my face didn't show any emotion
"Why are you so cruel?" Hugo asked as I looked at him
"I attended your funeral, mama's funeral and I had to bury papa all alone with no family" I said as Hugo looked at me
"Oh wow.." He said as I sighed
"Yeah..nothing hurts me anymore" I said as Hugo and I went inside

"Any plans for the week?" I asked as I sat down
"Tomorrow we have a shooting with Tokio Hotel and then we'll need to go to record for a movie" Hugo said as I nodded
"What movie?" I asked as Hugo pulled out his phone
"So?" I asked again
"Yoo! It's that one movie" Hugo said as I raised my eyebrow
"What movie?" I asked
"Remember that religious movie? The prince of Egypt?" Hugo asked as I nodded
"Yeah, why?" I asked
"I'm voicing Moses and you have to be his mother in the first song" Hugo added as I looked at him confused
"Deliver us?" I asked as he nodded
"But that's in a different language at first" I said as Hugo shrugged
"You can do it, you have a strong voice" Hugo added as I sighed
"How much?" I asked
"60k" Hugo answered as I nodded
"I'm going to repeat" I said as I got up
"Let's go to Amanda's house, she has a studio there" I said as I got up and grabbed my phone
"Oh ok" Hugo said as he also got up
I texted Amanda and asked her if we can use her studio and she agreed
"Go and grab a Cola or something, we can't go empty handed" I said as Hugo went to the kitchen

Oh boy...I'm not ready to repeat in her studio again

Salvatore- Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now