...Is back

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"Why did you pair us with them?" I was on the phone with the manager while I was crying
"I didn't do that! Their manager did" My manager said
"And you couldn't say no?!" I was shaking up at this point
"I can't refuse 100 million dollars!!" My manager said as I gasped
"What?" I asked
"You heard me! The boys paid us 100 million dollars to be paired up with you, they specifically said that they want you and Hugo" My manager spoke
"Fuck it Alex! You know how I feel about this!" I said as I almost had a breakdown
"I know Ale, I know but I promise you, after this rundown, they won't dare to approach you" Alex said as I sighed
"I trust you" I said as I hang up the phone

I turned to face Hugo and then just hugged him
"What did he said?" He asks
"Bill and Tom paid us 100 million dollars to be paired with us" I said
"I would never sell us for 100 million even if it's the end of the world" Hugo added as I sighed
I squeezed Hugo tight and then started to sing softly
"If the end of the world was near, where would you choose to be?" I sang
"If there was five more minutes of air" Hugo joined me
"Would you panic and hide? Or run for your life? Or stand here and spend it with me?" We looked at each other and smiled
"If we had five more minutes" We continued singing
"Would I, could I, make you happy?" I said as I let go of him

"Thank you brother" I said as Hugo smiled
"Anything for my blood" He said as I smiled and walked up to the hanger
I took my jacket on and then walked outside
I got into my car and drove away
I went to a gestation and went inside the grab something to eat
As I went outside I saw Tom along with Bill, looking at my car
"She's pretty, huh?" I asked
"What model is it?" Bill asked
I leaned on my car and started to eat
"Look for yourself" I said as Tom leaned on his car
"What's up with you?" He asked
"I've been in a coma for 6 months Tom" I said
"And now you guys show up to Amanda's house and I should pretend that nothing happened?" I asked as Bill looked at me
"Your hair has grown" He added
"Don't change the subject Bill" I added as I looked at him
"I know my hair grew out because Hugo paid the doctor that took care of me to do anything he could to save me" I said
"I was under 18 operations before I woke up" I continued as I took another bite of my food
"Look Ale, we didn't know you were alive" Tom said as he approached me
"Stay back from me!" I said as Tom stopped
"You don't know many things about me Tom Kaulitz.." I said as I sighed and then got into the car
"I don't want to talk with you anymore" I said as I drove away

Salvatore- Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now