• I love you •

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• I love you •
~ 🦖 🦕 ~

After a full month of being on my own in this horrid island I had finally found them, I finally found my friends. Well actually the only four people I have seen again after so long were Kenji, Brooklynn, Sammy, and Yasmina. I haven't seen Darius yet, I hope he's okay and unharmed. I was sitting on Bumpy's back as she followed the group. "Why isn't Darius with us? Is he okay? He didn't get hurt right?" The group could hear the worry dripping out of my mouth and back into the crispy air that was slightly brushing back my not so neat hair. My cheeks began to turn a slight pinkish colour from the bitter cold that ever so often harshly slapped my face.

Yasmina turned around giving me a small smile before answering my unanswered questions from just a few seconds ago. "Darius is okay, he's just waiting by the dock for us" I could feel the smile slowly making itself known on my face as I just nodded my head towards the other. I still couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my camper friends standing right in front of me, just looking at me with astonished expressions plastered on each and every one of their faces. I thought that they all left me, that they all got off of the island and left me behind for dead but I guess I was all wrong.

Looking up once more taking a good look at the four in front of me I pinched myself harshly making sure that I wasn't sleeping and I wasn't, I was most definitely not sleeping. Just as i was about to take my eyes away from the group I heard a voice ask. "Darius really missed you Ben, he is going to be so happy to see you again" looking towards the direction of the voice my eyes finally landed on the Pinkes haired girl, Brooklynn. I felt heat begin to make itself form onto my already red cheeks only making them look even more red, now like a blooming red tomato ready for picking. "But he does blame himself for letter you go" she continued before giving me a sad smile then turning back around now facing the dazzling green forest. Staring straight ahead slowly letting the words Brooklynn just spoke form in my ears, my eyes became wide. Darius blamed himself for letting me go. Hearing those words broke my heart into a millions of pieces being unable to peace them back together.

Looking down I just sat there thinking about how Darius must of felt and how he is still feeling. Carrying all that harsh regret and blame of his shoulders but still planting a big smile of his face for the others to see and so they wouldn't know how broken he truly was about the whole incident. "Ben! We're here" Sammy shouted as she ran through the thick leaves until I could no longer see her. The rest followed her and Bumpy slowly made her way through the leaves too. Pushing the last green leaf away from my face, my eyes widened in shock but also excitement. Even through I could only see the back of his head I could feel the heat rush up to my ears and my heart begin to pound in my chest as if it was about to punch it way though my rib cage and jump right into the hands of Darius. Slowly the younger turned around as Brooklynn whispered something in his ear. In a matter of seconds I was no longer looking at the back of Darius' head but now his shocked face.




~ Darius ~

"Hey! Are you all okay?" I asked getting up from the ground I was sitting on as my feet were hurting from all the walking and running away. Sammy came running up to me grabbing into my shoulders and turning me around so now my back was facing the outlandish forest. "Sammy! What are you doing?" I grabbed onto her hands pulling them away from my shoulders giving her a confused look. "Oh, you know nothing really just super excited to see you is all" giving her a weird look I was about to turn back around to see if the others where there until Brooklynn suddenly ran up to me also turning my body around so I was again no longer facing the unspoken wildlife.

As I was turned back around I now realised that Yasmina and Kenji stood right next to me smiling weirdly with both hands behind their backs. "Guys what's going on?" Out of no where Brooklynn learned over towards my ear and started talking. "There is someone behind you that we think you will be very happy seeing" I gave her and the others a confused look before slowly turning around to see what they were talking about. Thoughts started twisting and turning in my brain thinking of all the things that it could be but what I saw next was definitely not one of those thoughts.

There stood the dirty blond boy I have been crying over all these nights with his pet dinosaur. I could feel the tears well up in my tired eyes as I just stood and stared at the older one not believing my eyes for a second until he started to speak. "Hey" raising his hand up in a waving position I couldn't hold back the harsh tears anymore as they rapidly fell down my face and onto the cold floor. I watched him fall, how is he alive. I let a sob fall out of my mouth as I ran up to Ben and brought him into a big hug we have both been longing for. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for dropping you Ben" I apologise over and over again hugging the slightly taller one tighter as if my life depended on it. "Darius please don't Blame yourself for anything that happened. Nothing and I mean nothing was your fault, you hear me?" I only nodded as a response as I buried my head in the crook off Bens neck letting the tears stain his shirt.

After a few seconds I pulled away from the hug smiling sadly as the boy in front of me. "I love you" Ben looked shocked for a second before smiling brightly at me and bringing me back into another big hug. "I love you too"

I love you •
~ 🦖 🦕 ~

Im sorry i haven't posted a new one shot in a while I have been really busy. Also im sorry that this one shot isn't that good and that it's super short i will try and make the next one much longer then this one. I might try and write around 4,000 words for my next one.

I hope really you enjoyed!

Word count: 1151

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