• Secret Boyfriends •

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• Secret boyfriends •
~ 🦖 🦕 ~

DARIUS AND Ben have been secretly dating for the past few months now while the other are still completely oblivious about it. Darius loved absolutely everything about Ben. He loved the way he spoke and especially when he went on a full rant about bumpy or how he defeated Toro. Ben was definitely the most sweetest, loving most wonderful boy he has ever came across and he is so blessed for meeting the boy and getting to know the real him.

Ben and Darius have both talked about telling the others about their relationship but it just didn't feel right and they were both scared they wouldn't except them and kick them out of their little home they made when they got abandoned on the killer island. All they want is to get home and be free from the cured island but it seemed like the island had other ideas in mind for them. They tired to build a mini raft but that got completely destroyed by a unexpected wave crashing on them. It was as if the island didn't want them to leave but that wasn't going to stop them as they were now coming up with new and better ideas on how they could
escape the island.

Darius could tell Ben didn't want to leave bumpy behind but what else could he do? Would he rather stay on a deadly island with his Dino friend or go home to his family and friends. Darius loves Ben dearly but sometimes he just doesn't get him. He doesn't get how he would rather stay in a place where he could die or get serious injury willingly than go back home. Darius would do absolutely anything in this world to go back home but he honestly doesn't know what he would do if Ben decides to stay.

Don't get him wrong he absolutely loves the boy and respects all his wishes and boundaries but he doesn't think he could ever agree with him staying by himself on this cursed island. No way could he leave someone he cares about in a place like this all by his lonesome, he was sure the others would agree with him about this same topic too.

He doesn't even want to think about what would happen to Ben if he actually decided to stay on the island. There are so many bad things that could happen to him. For one, he could get trampled on by a group of dinosaurs or come face to face with the
T-Rex which wouldn't think twice about eating him in one. Deep down he already knows that if Ben decides to stay then he's going to stay no matter what anyone says. Once the boy wants something he does absolutely anything in his power to complete that task. He loved him but god was he stubborn.

"Darius, do you think this will work?" The male in question was so lost in thought he didn't even hear the shouts of the pink haired girl until someone poked his side rather harshly. Rubbing his side and glaring over at the poker which was Kenji he finally stood up and walked over to the group. On his way he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle seeing the angry look on his boyfriend's face as he gave a death glare at Kenji.

Darius stood in front of the pink haired girl with his arms crossed over his chest awaiting for the lass to repeat what she was saying. Rolling her eyes visibly annoying with the lad she pointed at the white board with a few drawings on. "This. Do you think it will work?" She repeated waiting for the other to voice his opinion on the new found creation.

After a few seconds he began to slowly nod his head up and down before looking back at Brooklynn who was still waiting for her answer. "We need more wood here and there" he said pointing at either side of the raft that was drawn on the white board. Brooklynn nodded her head before pushing Darius away and began to redraw her creation.

Playfully rolling his eyes he turned around expecting to see Ben in his normal position but he was no where to be seen. Spinning his head around their small home he couldn't see his lover anywhere. Panic began to set in as he heart started to speed up as the seconds ticked by and there was still no Ben to be found. It was never like him to just randomly disappear as Darius knew how much Ben hated being alone especially after he nearly died not
too long ago.

"You alright man?" A firm hand placed itself on the younger boys shoulder making him jump silently. He spun around to face whoever it was that being Kenji. Darius looked over the males shoulder hopping to see Ben there but to no luck. His breathing started to become uneven as he hands started
to shake silently.

"Darius, what's wrong?" The taller repeated once more now moving both his hands onto the other's shoulders to try and calm him down which
slightly helped.

Eventually Darius finally looked up to face Kenji with worried eyes. He didn't know what to do. What if Ben was hurt and he didn't know about it. What if he ran away? Or what if- He was then cut off by a voice. An all too familiar voice. "Darius?" Within seconds Darius pushed Kenji away from him and ran up to the voice already knowing who it was.

Once he was close enough he brought Ben into the most loving and heartfelt hug ever that Ben honestly thought he would melt. Nevertheless Ben hugged his boyfriend back just as lovingly although very confused at the sudden act of affection.

Okay, so maybe he overreacted a little and maybe he was a bit overprotective over his boyfriend but honestly what did you expect? Any of them could die or get seriously harmed at any minute so of course he would worry about something like this.

So caught up in the moment they didn't even realise the rest of the group staring at them with knowing smiles on their faces. Truth be told they already knew the pair were dating from the very beginning. They weren't very discreet with it per se but they still kept the act going to see how long it would take the two to tell them about their relationship.

Not long after the two pulled away from the heartfelt hug with bright smiles on their faces. Just then Darius quickly moved away from Ben but obviously that was too late. Darius smiled sheepishly at the group while scratching the back of his head nervously. "Uh..hey guys.."

"Don't worry, we already know"


I'm so sorry it took me nearly a whole year to post another chapter but now I have! Also I just found out that they are doing a new camp Cretaceous thing coming out on May 24th. It's called Jurassic world: Chaos Theory and I'm so excited for it !!

Anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise I will try my best to post for frequently but I'm not too sure how true I will stay to that as I'm really busy with school stuff right now.

ˋ°•*⁀➷ Word count: 1235

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