• Always Bumpy •

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But happy ending

• Always Bumpy •
~ 🦖🦕 ~

The youngest in the camp, Darius slowly risen up from this uncomfortable bed rubbing his sleep away from his eyes. Looking around the room Darius let his eyes adjust to his surroundings only just haven woken up a few seconds ago by loud talking for the other five campers who were also forgotten on the killer island. Swinging his legs from the comfort of his semi warm bed letting his bare feet rest themselves on the cold wooden floor creaking slightly as his stood up from his low down bed. Turning around and fixing the small blanket on his bed making it as neat as he can then turning back around and walking out of his shared room and into the outside world. The first thing his chocolate brown eyes rested themselves on was the dirty blonde haired boy who was never seen without his bandanna, he even wore it when he slept.

Ben was Darius' best friend and he would do anything for the boy, he loves him deeply but recently he had just been really annoying Darius but the rest of the group still seem unfazed by it all. What was annoying Darius was that ever since Ben had rejoined the group after a month of being disconnected from the campers only having a baby dinosaur to keep him company who half way though also left the boy after Ben shouted at her out of anger and fear of being alone for all this time, just wouldn't shut up about it all. All the older one would talk about was about what he and Bumpy had done together and how they had their little routine every day. He said that after he and Bumpy woke up he would follow the small dino towards her most favourite red berry bush and eat from it for their small breakfast and that after he would continue to follow her until coming towards a lake and drinking from it. He has at least told that exact same story about a million times now and Darius really doesn't know how much more he can take of the boys rambling of the same story ever day and night, Darius bet's that he would just talking about it before he came out of his room seeing the bright smile and his glistening eyes booming from where he stood.

Don't get him wrong he loves seeing Ben all happy and full of life but sometimes it was just all too much, you know? Always seeing the same people for months on end and hearing the same stories over and over again until you know ever single detail about it. Anything thing that Ben has been doing that has also been annoying Darius is that when he would talk about Toro and how he and Bumpy defeated it. When Darius first heard that story he was so proud of the slightly taller one that he finally came out of his shell and now was showing who he could really be but after the 100th times hearing the story he doesn't know what to think anymore. Darius remembers ever single detail about Ben and bumpy defeating toro story of by heat now.

Darius remembers how before Ben got detached from the group and how he would give Darius his fully attention twenty four hours a day and Darius loved it. Darius never really got too much attention. The only attention he got would either be from his mom, his older brother, or his dad he sadly passed away a few months ago. He doesn't have many friends at school, he talks to a few people but they aren't really friends, just people to talk to so he isn't completely alone at school. Darius hated feeling like he was alone and especially when his at school. Even though he is surrounded with people he still felt alone, like he had no one there for him, like no one got him and it killed but now they is someone who gets him and Darius was so overjoyed by it. His heart warmed when he realised Ben was generally interested in his dinosaur stories he told or the facts he shared. He has always wanted a friend like Ben and now he had finally gotten one but of course it didn't last very long.

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