Broken Wings

14 0 2

Phil had searched that gods forsaken crater until the sun went down. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't find a trace of Tommy or his son. They must have gone underground but Phil couldn't find the hole or even an oddly placed piece of cobble stone that Tommy might have used to cover their tracks. He spent hours mining in random spots hoping to find a tunnel or a cave or something but he couldn't find it. The crater was just too big and there were too many potential hiding spots, and now it was too dark to search effectively so he resigned himself to sleeping up against a tree in the crater. There were a couple zombies around but that didn't bother him, he'd faced far worse.

He didn't sleep much, but at the crack of dawn he got up and stretched his sore muscles and climbed his way out of the crater. Once upon a time he would have flown out with practiced ease. He could have flown right through the hole Tommy smashed through the glass without getting a single scratch. For that matter he could have flown right down the hold after them catching Wilbur midair before his son managed to slip through his grasp, but that was a long time ago. That was before the explosions that Wilbur set off had rendered his once great wings useless, and he killed his own son. Now he had this second chance and it was slipping through his fingers and Tommy of all people was to blame. The one Wilbur had led him to believe was like a little brother.
Phil shook his head. Now wasn't the time to wallow in self pity. He had to find Wilbur and to do that he would need help, so the first person he decided to go to was the one he thought knew Tommy best besides Wilbur. With that in mind, he headed for Snowchester.

He knocked insistently on Tubbo's door.
"Calm down calm down I'm coming!" He yelled, adding more quietly "who could it possibly be this goddamn early in the morning." He opened the door wearing what appeared to be bee themed pajamas and looked a little shocked "Phil?"
"Sorry to bother this early in the morning mate but it was and emergency." Tubbo gestured for him to come inside, where he made Phil some tea and he explained the situation.
"I just can't believe Tommy would do something like that" Tubbo said when Phil finished his story. "Not to sound like a jackass or anything but are you sure Tommy kidnapped him, I mean Wilbur gets up to some weird shit sometimes and the two of them together-
"I'm sure" Phil cut Tubbo off, "I came to you because besides Wilbur you know Tommy better than anyone on the server, please help me find my son."
"Do you promise not to hurt Tommy."
"Of course" Phil assured him, because it was only natural that Tubbo would be concerned for his friend, even after what he'd done.
A low thud came from upstairs, causing Tubby to look nervously.
"Is there someone else here Tubbo?"
"Uh, probably just rats" he said looking everywhere but at Phil, and Phil, never having been good at understanding the concept of privacy, rushed up Tubbo's stairs.
"Phil there's really no need to go up there it's quite a mess" Tubbo tried but Phil ignored him.
Phil got upstairs and found none other then Ranboo, wearing an apron that read 'best dad ever', and holding in his arms a baby zombie piglin. He happened to be standing right beside what appeared to be a family photo of Tubbo and Ranboo holding said zombie piglin.
"Heyyy Philza" Ranboo said sheepishly. "This is Micheal. Micheal, this is Philza Minecraft. Say hi to Philza Minecraft" The piglin, Micheal, waved.
"Long story short, Ranboo and I are Married and Micheal is our child" Tubbo said from behind him.
"Wait, why have you never told me?" Phil asked Ranboo.
"Well I was kind of afraid of how you'd react" Ranboo still looked nervous "since you know, you and Techno kind of fought against Tubbo during the doomsday war."
"Aw mate I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me but I promise I don't have a problem as long as you two love each other-
"Platonically" Tubbo cut him off "This is a platonic marriage."
"As long as you two love each other platonically then I don't see why there should be a problem. Even if there was a problem I have a much more urgent matter to deal with."
"What's that?"
"Wilbur's been kidnapped, by Tommy."

After Running through the same explanation a second time both Tubbo and Ranboo agreed to help Phil find Wilbur. They would split up and talk to other members of the smp to see if anyone had seen either Wilbur or Tommy since yesterday, as well as hopefully gather a search party. They made plans to meet back at Phils house at Sunset with their findings. Ranboo and Tubbo had both changed into actual cloths, and gotten Jack Manifold to babysit Micheal.
"So I'll see you both at sunset then" Phil confirmed.
"Yeah, and then we'll find Wilbur and Tommy" Tubbo said.
Ranboo Nodded in agreement, and so the three of them set off in different directions to gather intel and allies.

My Wilbur (a villain tommy story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora