A New Normal

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Living with Tubbo, Ranboo, and Micheal wasn't so bad, Tommy thought to himself as he sat on the bench in the back yard of their house in snowchester. It was a sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky. The house arrest anklet kept him confined within a fenced in area around the house. It was more then what he'd given Wilbur.
Near the fence, Michael was digging in a snow bank. Ranboo had bundled him up in probably a hundred layers of clothing to keep warm, fretting about how he was better suited to the nether's climate than Snowchester's. It had been a while before Tubbo and Ranboo allowed Tommy to go anywhere near Michael, but no matter how desperate he'd been to get Wilbur back he couldn't hurt a child.
"Hey Tommy" Tubbo called from the door beside him "Puffy's here, do you want to come inside?"
Tommy nodded and followed Tubbo inside. Inside the house, Puffy sat on the living room couch with a cup of tea. Tubbo left the room to give them some privacy.
"Hi Tommy, how are you feeling today?"
"Fine" he answered. She may a well have asked directly if he had any plans to kidnap anyone else. Not that he blamed her, but he'd enjoy some honesty.
"That's good to here" Puffy spoke with a honey sweet smile that was probably supposed to be comforting, but Tommy just found it unnerving. No one was that happy or kind all the time. In the two years since they'd started those meetings he had never seen her face without that smile. The therapy session went pretty typically. Puffy would ask questions about how he was doing and he answered in as few words as possible, then she would remind him that he could talk to her and she was there to help. After that she went home. Tommy wasn't sure why she kept coming. There was nothing left to talk about.
It hadn't always been like this. At first he'd been angry. He'd yell and scream and she'd just sit there with that honey sweet smile. At some point he exhausted himself and had finally decided to talk to her. He told her about what happened that day on the beach, although she probably already knew since she was also Wilbur's therapist. He told her everything he'd done since then too, hoping she'd leave him alone after that, but she just asked how he felt about everything. She wanted to know why he'd done it. Some of that anger came back then. It pissed him off that no one understood when the reason was so simple. Wilbur was the one person he couldn't lose.
But he had lost Wilbur hadn't he, and he was still alive. Now he had Tubbo and Ranboo. It was strange. He thought he'd lost Tubbo a long time ago, and he'd blamed Ranboo for taking him away. Yet here they both were taking care of him.
"Tommy, dinner's ready" Tubbo called to him from the kitchen, pulling Tommy out of his thoughts.
Tommy put on a pair of raccoon themed slippers that Ranboo had gotten him and padded into the kitchen.
"Thanks" he said as Tubbo handed him a bowl.
"No problem Tommy" Tubbo smiled at him. His smile was warmer than Puffy's. It always felt more real. Tommy often marvelled at how Tubbo could still smile at him like that after everything. Even after he'd nearly blown them up. Tommy winced at the thought, earning a concerned pat on the shoulders from Tubbo. They were so good to him even after he'd tried to hurt them.
"How can you still care?" He whispered weakly.
Tubbo sighed, as if trying to find the right words "That's a loaded question Tommy."
"No no, it's okay. There are a lot of reasons to care. You're my friend, for one."
"Even after everything I did" Tommy looked down at the floor, chewing on his lip.
"Tommy you did some bad things, there's no denying that, but so has pretty much everyone else. I exiled you, Wilbur blew up l'manburg, Phil and Techno blew up l'manburg again. We've all done bad things, but I don't think that means we don't desire love and care. We've all been hurt too, and I think maybe we have to try to heal from both of those things. The hurt we've been through and the hurt we caused."
"Have you been able heal Tubbo?"
"Maybe not fully, but when I look around at you and Ranboo and Micheal I think that maybe things will be okay."
"Thanks Tubbo."
"Anytime Tommy, and I really do care about you just like I care about Ranboo and Micheal. We're a family."
Family. That word made him feel warm instead, but it still felt like something was missing, and he didn't want to acknowledge what, or who it was. He sat down to eat dinner, and the rest of the night passed as normally as any night could in their house.

It wasn't until about a week later that he was forced to acknowledge that empty feeling that had been gnawing at his gut for the past two years. They had once again been eating supper on a previously fairly normal night when a knock came at the door. Ranboo got up to answer it and Tommy could just see his tail swishing anxiously from side to side around the corner, but he could not see who was at the door. Tubbo, who had also noticed the anxious tail swishing, got up to go see what was going on. They spoke in hushed voices so that Tommy couldn't make out what in was they were saying. After a few minutes Ranboo came around the corner with a serious look on his face.
"It's for you Tommy."
Tommy stood up. The walk around the corner to the door felt like it was taking a million years. No one ever came for him but Puffy. They would have told him if it was Puffy. Who would want to see him? There was really only one possible answer, but he didn't dare hope until he rounded the corner and saw for his own eyes.
And there he was, standing right there in the doorway. He had apparently decided to keep growing his hair out. It was tied back into a pony tail with white streaks woven throughout. He wore that old brown trench coat with a newer looking red knit sweater underneath. He had a guitar strapped to his back, and something in his face was different. Not a bad different. He seemed brighter, somehow. He looked different but it was undeniably Wilbur.
"Hey Tommy, it's been a while, hasn't it."

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