I Never Did Quite Forgive Myself

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Tommy looked different, but that was to be expected after two years of not seeing him. He'd been cutting his hair shorter, and he wore sweatpants and a yellow hoodie. As well as the green bandanna that Tubbo had given him a while back. The bags he used to have under his eyes were gone.
"Wilbur" he breathed out "I never thought I'd see you again."
Wilbur nodded, that made sense. It wasn't like he'd kept any kind of communication.
"You look good Tommy, healthy. Do you mind if I come in?"
Phil, who had been standing a few feet behind Wilbur, coughed. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."
"It'll be fine, Tubbo and Ranboo are in there aren't they. You don't have to come in." He shot Phil his best reassuring smile.
"Well I suppose," his scarred wings shifted around "Are Tubbo and Ranboo alright with you going in?"
Tubbo and Ranboo, who were standing behind Tommy, just shrugged. It seemed they were just as shocked to see him as Tommy was. Wilbur smiled and stepped inside.
"Try not to worry too much Phil, I'm okay." He gave the most reassuring smile he could.
Phil nodded mutely as the door closed behind him.
Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy, and Wilbur, all sat around the kitchen table. Micheal had been sent up to his room. Tommy sat directly across from Wilbur, with Tuboo and Ranboo on either side of him. Tommy had a look on his face like he'd seen Wilbur come back from the dead again. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. Wilbur had wanted to go see Tommy, and had even thought about what he wanted to say, but now that he was actually here the words had left him. All four of them sat in silence, unsure what to make of the whole situation. That is until Tommy spoke up.
"Wilbur why- why are you here?"
"It might sound crazy but, the truth is I missed you Tommy."
"You missed me?"
"But, but that doesn't make any sense. You should hate me."
"I don't hate you."
Tommy's voice was barely above a whisper "why not?"
Wilbur tilted his head to the side. He looked at Ranboo, and then at Tubbo, who both seemed to be holding their breath, like they wanted to hear his answer just as badly as Tommy did. He didn't have a proper answer though. What he did have was another question.
"Tell me Tommy, after pogtopia,how did you feel? After I teamed up with dream and blew up l'Manburg, did you hate me?"
Tommy's brow furrowed "After Pogtopia, after you blew up L'Manburg, I was scared and confused. I was angry too. I couldn't understand why you would just go and literally blow up everything we'd worked so hard for, but never hated you. I could never bring myself to hate you."
"Even after everything." Wilbur said. It wasn't a question.
"Even after everything." Tommy confirmed anyway.
"See I think that's just it Tommy" Wilbur leaned forward, "I don't think we're capable of hating each other."
Tommy leaned back, "we aren't, capable of hating each other." He said the words like a prayer.
"So then, where do we go from here?" Tubbo asked.
"I don't know exactly, but I'm going to keep visiting as long as you guys let me, so hopefully this gets less awkward." He laughed a little.
"Will, do- do you think we could be friends again someday?" Tommy asked.
"I hope so Tommy" Wilbur smiled. "We're like brothers aren't we? If we got through everything that's happened before we can get through this. Can't we?"
Tommy nodded.
The ticking on the clock on the wall warned that Phil would likely throw a fit soon if Wilbur didn't go back outside. He stood up.
"Well I should be going."
Tommy grabbed onto his sleeve, making Tubbo and Ranboo tense up.
"Will you really come back to visit Will?"
Again, Wilbur smiled "Of course I will Tommy."
Tommy let go.

Outside, Wilbur spent some time calming Phil's nerves. Wilbur's visits would take some get used to for everyone, he just hoped Phil could find it in him to at least tolerate them eventually. In any case it would take time.
The second visit was about the same as the first. Awkward, with Phil nearly having a panic attack outside the whole time, and Wilbur calming him down after.
The fifth visit was a little easier. They talked a little longer and everyone was a little less dumbfounded that he was actually there. Phil had brought a book with him to take his mind off things. Afterwards the him and Wilbur bought cookies from Nicky's bakery.
On the tenth visit, they played competitive solitaire.

It was after one of these visits that Wilbur sat down under a tree on the beach where it all started. His story was supposed to end here. He was supposed to sail away and never be heard from again, at least by anyone he knew from the smp, but Tommy stopped him. What Tommy did was bad but-
Did Wilbur really want to leave for Utah in the first place? If he did then why was he still here? He could leave anytime he wants. There was nothing stopping him, except that he didn't feel like he had to anymore. Why did he feel like he had to before?
"Aahh" he cried out in frustration, flopping onto his back on the ground.
Maybe he'd just wanted to run away. From his past, from the people he thought hated him,from everything. He didn't feel it anymore, that urge to run. Maybe in forgiving Tommy, he'd finally found it in him to forgive himself.
Maybe things would be okay.

My Wilbur (a villain tommy story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن