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Wilbur was starting to think Tommy was right. It had been Nearly two months since Tommy had dragged him up that mountain. His foot had healed, and he could walk normally, but he hadn't managed to think of a way to escape yet. Wilbur chewed on his lip as he looked out the window at the setting sun. He sat on the couch holding a cup of tea he had prepared himself, so he knew it wasn't drugged. He was pretty sure Tommy had been subtly dosing his food with slowness. It made him feel sluggish and would definitely be an obstacle in any kind of escape plan, but there was a silver lining. Tommy hadn't used the slowness weakness combo. When Wilbur had ventured to ask him why Tommy had said something to the effect of wanting his real brother and not "some drugged out bitch", but that didn't mean he wasn't willing to use those drugs. That much was clear.
He would have to be careful. Tommy wasn't the same kid he used to be. He was dangerous now. Wilbur knew this was partially his fault, but he couldn't waste time feeling guilty about the past now, not when he had an escape to plan.
"Wilby!" Tommy yelled from the kitchen, "I made you soup, it's that stuff you used to like when we were kids. You know, with the onions."
Wilbur made his way into the kitchen. He sat his now empty cup of tea onto the counter.
"I can make my own soup you know, it gives me something to do around here besides staring out that window."
"I know, I know but I worked really hard on this. Why don't you ever wanna eat the food I make you anymore" Tommy pouted.
Should he just bite the bullet and tell Tommy the real reason he didn't want the soup. It was a bit of gamble, but maybe he could convince Tommy to stop drugging his food. He couldn't be that beyond reasoning with, right?
"It's because you put slowness in my food. That's why I feel all sluggish right? Because you've been spiking any food you give me." He looked at Tommy for reaction, but the younger boy's face was stone cold. Wilbur shivered involuntarily, he'd never seen Tommy look like that before.
"So you finally figured it out huh? I knew it was only a matter of time. After all you're not stupid." Tommy smiled reassuringly, "I can promise you there's no slowness in this soup."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"Have I ever lied to you Wilbur?"
"You kidnapped me?"
"Sure I did but since then have I actually lied to you?"
Wilbur thought about it for a moment, "I guess not."
"Then how about you eat your soup before it gets cold."
Slowly, Wilbur sat down at the table. Tommy was looking at him expectantly, like that first time Tommy had tried to make him food when they were kids. Emphasis on tried, that soup had been terrible, but Wilbur had eaten all of it because he was just so happy that Tommy had gone to all the effort to do something for him. Maybe that was why he took the first bite. He just wanted to find some scrap of that old innocence that had been stripped away from his brother. It was good, Tommy's cooking had definitely improved over the years, and Wilbur was honestly hungry, so he kept eating. He finished the bowl, and as if on cue, as soon as he'd finished it, the world began to spin. He nearly fell out of his chair before Tommy caught him.
"Is something wrong Wilby?" Tommy asked in mock concern. That nickname used to make Wilbur want to cry. It still did, but now for different reasons.
"You-you said there were no drugs in the soup. You lied." Wilbur didn't even try to hide the hurt and betrayal in his voice.
"That's where your wrong, I said there was no slowness in your soup. Nausea potion was never even mentioned." Tommy picked him up. The movement made Wilbur feel like his stomach was doing cartwheels.
"You tricked me" Wilbur muttered uselessly as Tommy carried him over to the couch.
"I'm surprised you didn't pick up on it, you must be getting slow in your old age."
Tommy sat down on the couch, Wilbur still leaning on him. He tried to push away but Tommy had trapped him with his arms, and he was far too weak with the nausea to fight back.
"Why, I thought you said you didn't want me to be all drugged out?"
"I don't, for the most part, but sometimes I just want to spend quality time with my big brother without having you fight me. The nice thing about nausea potion is that it doesn't make you all stupid like combining slowness and weakness does. You still act like you, the only difference is that-
"I'm completely dependent on you," Wilbur realized with mounting horror as he struggled just to get up, only to be held down by Tommy.
"That's right," Tommy confirmed as he slowly started petting Wilbur's hair, making him feel tired. "Don't worry though, it won't always be like this, someday it won't take drugs for you to stop fighting me because you won't want to fight me anymore. We'll both be happy I promise."
Tommy's word began to fade away and his eyes began to close, but before Wilbur fell asleep he heard Tommy utter one more thing, quietly, like he was talking to himself.
"My Wilbur."

My Wilbur (a villain tommy story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon