Ch. 3 - A New Type of Training

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Y/N didn't really remember much of what had happened after that. She woke up the next morning still feeling exhausted, and as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes she spotted her teammate on the other side of the room. He was already dressed in a girl's kimono, and was snarling at himself in a small mirror as he struggled with the hair pin. After royally messing up his hair even more, the pin fell, and with a growl he snatched it and threw it at the wall.

The girl giggled, covering her mouth. His eyes snapped to her.

"What are YOU laughing at?!"

She smiled and let out a long breath, relieved to see that he didn't have a mark on his face. She had slapped him pretty hard last night. "...Inosuke, I'm sorry,"

His face contorted in confusion. "...for what?"

"...for hitting you. Last night. I'm sorry,"

Jeez, I'm still not used to seeing him without his mask... he's so pretty it's stupid.

"...Yeah, well, don't be. It was a good hit,"

She shook her head. He really doesn't understand anything. "Let me help you with that,"


He sat on the floor, looking at her through the mirror as she stood behind him. She ran a small comb through his hair to get out the tangles, ignoring his pathetic yelps whenever she hit a snag. Her fingers gently gathered his hair at the back of his head.

"It's a little tricky, but it helps if you keep your hair tight," Y/N caught his gaze in the mirror. "Then, twist it up, and loop it over itself-" her hands worked gently, holding his hair in place while she slid in the pin. "Then just through, back out, and through again and - done!"

He looked at himself, the glittery pin peaking over the crown of his head.

"You know, your hair is really gorgeous," her words were sincere, but he blew a raspberry at her.

 "Yeah, whatever. Pretty hair won't help in a fight,"

Laughing, she put her hands on his shoulders. "True, but it can help make friends,"

"That's stupid. How can hair help you make friends?"

"Well, usually people will respond to you better when you look good. When you take care of yourself, and stay clean,"

He frowned. Before he could respond, there was a light rapping on their door. "Y/Nickname, Suki, you're due for training with Lady Lotus!"


Y/N got herself ready, dressing in another Kimono that matched Inosuke's. She faced him before opening the door.

"Remember, I'll do all the talking - just follow my lead like yesterday," She smiled, took a breath in, and stepped out into the hall.

- Inosuke's POV - 

Together they made their way to a larger room where the Lady was waiting for them. Inosuke would never get used to this - girls walk so weirdly, his muscles felt strange when he tried to imitate his teammate.

"Good morning, my lady!" they bowed, and were waved inside. They knelt across from her on the floor.

"Alright girls, normally there would be more time for us to go over the details, but we're short several workers since so many have gone missing..." the woman shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You just have to mingle tonight, but we'll be expecting you to begin serving clients within the next few days."

Clients? Serving? What the hell is this lady talking about? Inosuke looked at his "sister".

She smiled and nodded, leaning forward. "Of course, we completely understand!"

Y/N doesn't seem worried, so I guess it's okay...

"Good. Now, I'll cover the basics -" The woman placed a box of supplies in front of them. "Obviously, condoms are ideal, but not every client wants to use one, and we need the money, so don't press them. We have mugwort tea in the kitchen if you feel you need it. There is also lubricant, numbing spray, and other essentials in your kit. Use anything you can in order to satisfy the customers,"

God damn it, I don't understand a single word this bitch is saying!

The woman paused, looking between the two. "Oh, and some men might want just one of you, not both, so be prepared to split for a while if necessary."


"Absolutely, my lady!" Y/N bowed close to the floor, and after a few seconds Inosuke followed suit, even though he was seething.

"Alright then, I have other business that needs tending. Off with you,"

The h/c haired demon slayer rose to her feet, handing the box to her fake sibling to carry as she lead him out of the room. He looked down at the contents, hoping to figure out what any of that meant, but it still made no sense - and it didn't help that he couldn't read the words on the packages.


As his partner dragged him by the hand through the house, he realized that her mood had completely changed. She was frowning deeply, and her entire body was tense.

"Uh, Y/N?"


They entered the kitchen, and several other girls were standing around chatting. One of the girls spotted them, and smirked, making her way over. "Hey, you're the new girls, right?"

Like a switch flipped, she was back to that friendly, bubbly act. "Oh, yes! I'm Y/Nickname, and this is my sister, Suki,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Okari," she grinned, sidling up to Y/N. "You know, it's really rare for new girls to have clients on their first night here," Okari poked her with her elbow. "And it's even more rare to serve a man so young and attractive. Most clients here are old, and fat."

Y/N went completely rigid.

"So~ who was he? Do you know him from somewhere else?" the girl grinned, wiggling her shoulders.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. She was the one who walked into our room last night - this girl SAW us, saw him -

Okari giggled, her smile pearly white. "Your face is so red! Oh, I'm just teasing you. The truth is, I'm jealous. I would kill to have clients that looked like that," tossing her long hair over her shoulder, the blonde winked. "If he ever wants an experience with someone else, feel free to refer him to me, yeah? See you around!"

With a delicate wave, the blonde sauntered away, returning to the other group of girls.

Inosuke looked at Y/N. She was still frozen, a deep blush spread across her cheeks. Her grip on his hand was starting to hurt.

"...grab as much food as you can and meet me in our room." her whisper was barely audible, but he didn't need to be told twice. As soon as she let go of his hand, he was a whirlwind, leaving nothing but crumbs and smoke in his wake.

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