Ch. 9 - Love is Worth Celebrating

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A week had passed, and with the help of Shinobu's medicines and physical therapy, Y/N was already feeling much better. She was still on strict bed rest for the majority of her days, but could watch the boys train from the window in her hospital room.

The weather at the Butterfly Mansion was gorgeous - almost every day was sunny and warm. Eating lunch outside with the girls raised her spirits, but she still missed her teammates - she hadn't seen any of them since they had started their rehabilitation training, and despite her injuries, she felt like she was missing out immensely.

Sometimes Shinobu would stop by and update her on recent news, and she even got a visit from the love Hashira, Mitsuri. Word was spreading that demon sightings were slowing down and missions were becoming fewer and farther between, which initially sounded like a good thing, but Y/N was warned that they should expect that the demons are planning something big, and soon.

Because of this, Mitsuri and Obanai - the serpent Hashira - announced they would get married, and Tengen and his wives had planned a celebration at the end of the upcoming week. Since Y/N and her team were recovering there, they were invited to join in on the festivities.

With this news, everyone at the Butterfly Mansion was much more lively. Aoi and the triplets were planning what they would wear, how they would do their hair, and often wondered out loud what kind of music and food Lord Uzui had planned. Y/N was often involved in fashion shows, where the triplets would try on several dresses and accessories.

It was during one such evening that Y/N realized she didn't have much clothing beyond her uniform, and definitely didn't have anything formal enough for a wedding celebration. The triplets were so shocked at this, they immediately took it upon themselves to find the demon slayer a proper outfit.


The next day, Y/N was visited again by Mitsuri Kanroji.

"Hello~! I heard you needed a dress for the party," she sang sweetly, letting herself in the room. Her happiness was so infectious, everyone at the mansion couldn't help but smile when Mitsuri was visiting.

"Oh, you didn't have to come visit me just because of that! I'm sure you've been so busy with everything lately," Y/N stood and returned the Hashira's hug.

"Oh please, nobody will let me do ANYTHING! Everyone is doing everything for me, and while I love the attention, I really needed a break. So this was a great excuse!"

The pink-haired woman sat on the bed, laying out a garment bag in front of her. "I had this in the back of my closet, and I just knew it'll be perfect for you!"

Slightly nervous to receive a gift from a Hashira, Y/N hesitantly opened the bag, her jaw dropping. "...are you sure? This is... i've never worn something this beautiful,"

Mitsuri giggled. "Yes, of course I'm sure! You can't show up in your uniform, after all!" she grinned. "Plus, I just know you're going to look SO good in it!"

"I don't know how I can thank you enough!" she wrapped her arms around the love-breather, who instantly hugged back.

"You can thank me by looking absolutely amazing at the party! AND by dancing with us," She pulled back and grinned.



The next few days felt long and lonely, despite everyone buzzing about excitedly. Y/N still hadn't seen any of her teammates, and while the girls at the mansion were good company, they weren't close like her and her friends were. Watching them train outside without her made her feel even more alone, and she could only ask Aoi to start training so many times before the Kakushi stopped responding to her altogether.

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