Ch. 8 - Awake

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Y/N's eyes blinked open slowly. Everything hurt - even swallowing sent a sharp pang down her spine. As her sight adjusted, she realized she was in a hospital bed. The stark white of the room was disorienting. What happened...?

Everything came back to her in an instant, slamming into her mind like a ton of bricks. They were fighting an upper rank demon - 

Did I die?! Is this heaven? 

Her head swiveled, taking in more of the room.

Her gaze fell upon the edge of the bed. A slumped figure was seated next to it, their heavily bandaged arms folded around their head as they rested it on top of the blankets. Her heart jumped - even half-awake, she'd know those blue-black locks anywhere.

A beeping from the vital monitor interrupted the peaceful silence of the hospital room, reacting to her rising heart rate. His head shot up, her view now filled with worried emerald eyes. She cracked a relieved smile.

"," her voice was hoarse, and speaking felt like a thousand knives sliding down her windpipe.

His arms wrapped around her, the monitor beeping like crazy as a bunch of the wires were pulled off. Everything was a blur, and suddenly she was crying - big, wet tears rolled over his skin as she pressed her face into him.

They stayed like that for a long moment, her body trembling with adrenaline as the memories of their battle shook through every nerve. 

Just as she was beginning to calm down, Aoi and a few others rushed in after hearing the alarms. Zenitsu yanked the beast-breather off of her, the two immediately quarreling as the wires were put back into place on her body.



Y/N looked up at Aoi as a sticky pad was re-attached to her upper chest.

"...I've been out for... two weeks...?"

Aoi nodded, pressing some buttons on the monitor and grabbing a cup of water.

"Yes, you had us all really worried. Your head and neck took quite some damage, so take it easy - but Shinobu thinks you'll recover just fine with time," She helped her drink a few sips of water, which might as well have been hot lava.

Aoi sat on the edge of the bed next to her, watching the boys fight.

"...he was in here every single day, you know. He never left. Even when Shinobu threatened to kick him out of the corp if he didn't do his rehabilitation training,"

Her chest felt strangely warm. Inosuke had gotten Zenitsu in a headlock, rubbing his fist into bright yellow hair.

This made her laugh, then immediately start coughing, causing everyone to look at her worried. After wincing, she peered around the room at all of her friends.

"...what... happened? Did we..." more painful coughs. " 7 dead?"

Tanjiro smiled. His head was bandaged, as was what she could see of Zenitsu's chest through the top of his nightshirt, but the long oozing gauze strips covering most of the boar's body were what really worried her.

"7 is dead,"

the words washed over her like a tsunami. All of the fear, anger, and anxiety were whisked away.

"Your sword got halfway through it's neck, but the demon was so sticky she couldn't get it out before Inosuke reached her. I was able to dissolve that sticky stuff, so me and Zenitsu got to you shortly after you passed out, but honestly - Inosuke was really scary, I don't think he needed our help at all," Tanjiro scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly.

"He cut off her head the rest of the way. You both were unconscious after that, but Tengen helped us get you both back here. Shinobu, Aoi and the other girls treated all of us,"

"You were in a coma, but the only thing you missed was THIS PSYCHOPATH almost KILLING us as soon as he woke up!" Zenitsu screeched, still trying to pry away the arm locked around his head.

She laughed gently, trying to keep herself from coughing more. It was so much to take in - they really, actually defeated an upper rank? The thought seemed so far outside of reality. 

Extending her shaky hand towards him, the beast-breather released his captive and approached the side of her bed, taking her hand in his.

Noticing the change in atmosphere, everyone else made their way out of the room, not wanting to make it more awkward than it already was.

"...what happened to you?" her hand grazed the gauze wrapped around his shoulder.

"Ponjiro said that the goo from that demon ripped some of my skin off," he puffed out his chest proudly. "I'd like to see one of the Hashira try killing a demon without any skin!"

Her eyes glistened, reveling in his pride. Their eyes met, and a strange nervousness swept through her abdomen.

"...thank you for saving me."

His eyes darted down to the blankets. "Well, yeah, you're welcome I guess..." he was blushing, and this time, it was obvious. "I can't just let one of my teammates die, then I wouldn't be a very good demon slayer,"

Giggling softly, she shook her head. "You killed upper 7, you're an AMAZING demon slayer,"

Her hand found his cheek, causing him to look back at her again. The air felt heavy...

A loud knock on the door interrupted them. "Alright you two, stop being gushy," they frowned, looking over at Aoi in the doorway. "Inosuke, now that she's awake, you need to begin your rehabilitation training. Shinobu's orders!"

Giving him a small pat, Y/N smiled. "Go,"

Grimacing, he stood reluctantly and grabbed his boar mask, walking to the door. Before disappearing around the corner, he gave her a small smile. "I'm glad you're alive, dumbass," 

And with an enthusiastic wave goodbye, he was off.

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