Ch. 10 - Take Your Pick

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"Wow, Y/N...You look...REALLY different," the thunder-breather was red in the face, attempting to look anywhere except her chest, which made her laugh.

"And you look exactly the same, Zen," his shoulders hunched as she ruffled his yellow hair.

Inosuke felt like the temperature had risen quickly. A weird jealous feeling sparked his nerves as he watched his friends hug her, smile at her. He felt frozen, unsure of what to do - normally he only felt like this when they were fighting something, but there wasn't any threat here.

His hands clenched at his sides, wishing he had his swords. Not that they would do any good. You can't slash awkwardness.

His blood pressure rose as Y/N's gaze turned from their friends to him.

"Hi," Her smile made him relax slightly. The light from the tent danced around on her dress, glittering like a mountain stream... he wanted to see it closer.

After getting a weird look from Tanjiro, he realized he hadn't said anything. A low grunt and a nod was all he could manage between all the weird thoughts and feelings bumping around in his mind.

She blinked, slightly unsure of what to make of his greeting, but Tanjiro was there to save them from feeling any weirder.

"C'mon, let's grab some food! I heard Tengen's wifes made tempura," Kamado led the way inside the canopy, several people offering greetings and smiles as the four of them made their way towards the food and drinks.

Several long tables held an insane amount of platters and bowls, each filled with a mouthwatering array of appetizers and treats. They lined up next to each other, ogling at all of the delicious options.

"Hey! You have to use a fork, AND a plate!" Y/N grabbed Inosuke's wrist, which was poised to snag an entire fist-full of fried shrimp from one of the platters. Handing him a plate from the end of the table, he stood patiently as she served him.

"Oooooh, sakura mochi! Do you want to try this too?" he nodded fervently, making her giggle as she added one to his pile.

Grabbing one for herself, she bit into the soft treat, her eyes fluttering closed. "Oh my god, it's so good!"

Inosuke watched her for a moment before shoving a wad of food into his mouth.

It wasn't until he paused and met her gaze that she realized she had been staring at him. The last two weeks, her mind had been so preoccupied with memories of his green eyes, pointed nose, soft curved lips... seeing him in the flesh in front of her felt like a dream, even if he was stuffing his face with food.

A hot flush swiped over her cheeks as she looked down at her own plate.

The moment was interrupted by Zenitsu, who had sidled in next to them with drinks in hand. "Y/N! You have to try this sake, it's SO GOOD~!" The glass was forced into her hand as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Uh, thanks," he grinned wide at her, throwing his arm around her shoulder. She cringed as he leaned in and gave her goo-goo eyes. Apparently, he was already tipsy from his half-empty drink.

"Y'know, you guys are so fun, I'm SO happy we're all here together and don't have to fight any demons," His head snapped to the other side of the tent as the music changed. "Oh! I LOVE THIS SONG!" and with that, he was clambering away towards the dance floor.

Inosuke and Y/N watched him as he sauntered away, and then looked at each other. Hearty laughter escaped their lungs, leaving them with sincere smiles as their eyes met once more.

He carefully took a step towards her, his green eyes drifting over her hair, her makeup, her dress. A hot blush soaked into her cheeks she watched him look at her. They stood so close, her mind was wandering - I should do something. I should make a move... would he even know it's a move?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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