Part 4: Departure

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"I have to go get Marzia. I'll be back."

"Just be careful Pewds. Those things are everywhere."

Felix grinned at Cry's worry. "Don't worry 'bout it Cry."

Quickly, the dark blond male climbed out of the open window; back into the dangers that awaited everyone outside. Cry let a small smile on his face at their signature catch phrase for one another. Of course he was worried about his friend. Felix was like a brother to him, along with Marzia as his little sister. (Y/N) soon joined his little family. He didn't know what she would be classified as however. Considering he got slightly nervous and flustered around her.

(Y/N) watched from the kitchen as Cry stared at the window, clearly lost in though. His mask and head still covered his facial features and hair color. Her lips curved slightly into a smile watching him in the setting sun. He looked even more mysterious and it made her stomach do little somersaults. Quickly, she shook her head free of those thoughts and cautiously cleared her throat before hiding behind the door leading to the bed rooms.

Cry turned, knowing who it was so he didn't bother grabbing the gun from the side of his jean's waistline. Instead of finding (Y/N) however, all he saw was a slightly ajar door. He gave a confused look before slowly walking over to the door and crossing his arms over his chest.

Several seconds passed before the female slowly pushed the door open. When it was fully open she jumped in shock. "U-Um... sorry... I just wanted to tell you all the non-perishable foods are packed."

Cry gave a small nod as he stared at the timid (s/c) girl. (E/C) eyes stared up at him apologetically. 'Too f*cking cute.'

"Thanks (Y/N), do you have your stuff packed?"

Her lips turned into a grin. "You're joking, right? Or did you forget?

The male was slightly confused for a second until he rethought his sentence and wanting to kick himself. 'How could I forget?! What the h*ll is wrong with me?!'  He thought as his face turned heated in embarrassment.

"It's fine Cry. I can help you pack though."

He gave a small grin at the female's offer, her grin still present. Her (e/c) eyes showed curiosity and sincerity. "I'd like that (Y/N). Thank you."

"Anytime Cry. You wanna pack now?"

"That'd be smart since we're leaving a little after sunrise."

She pushed the door open fully and gestured him forward. "Lead the way."

~3rd Person POV Following Marzia~

 'Where is he?'

The shaking Italian woman cowered in her hiding spot which was in a bathtub at an abandoned apartment room. Felix went out a while ago to find supplies. Yet he still wasn't back, causing her to become more worried every second that passed. Her grip on the long machete blade quaked; her palms sweaty as more and more time passed.

"Felix, please... be safe..."

A sudden knock on the bathroom door yanked her out of her thoughts, her gaze shooting to the cause of the noise. Hope started to fill her being as she began thinking Felix had returned safely and with food.

That hope soon turned to fear as a moan resonated from behind the closed door. She cowered into the corner of the porcelain tub as the pounding on the door started.

 'Felix, please hurry.'

Tears pricked her eyes as the pounding got louder. Was this how she would die? Would she return and have to live the constant hell that they lived?

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