Part 5: Secret Feelings Exposed

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The sun was boiling hot as the group of four made their way north. While Marzia, Felix, and (Y/N) were panting from the heat, Cry was barely breaking a sweat. As they trekked through the abandoned highway they were extremely alert for any sound of the infected.

 "It's so hot! How the h*ll do you live in this Cry?" Felix complained as they kept stumbling forward.

Cry chuckled as he looked back at the three. "I've lived here. You'll get used to it."

"Doubt it." Marzia muttered as she wiped perspiration off of her forehead.

The masked man turned his gaze to the female and gave a grin. "You wanna stop?"

"O-Only if you want to..." (Y/N) panted as she continued walking.

He gave a nod before turning to the others to ask them the same thing. They quickly agreed. Thankfully they were on a deserted highway with a field and a single tree swaying in the hot summer air.

The group of four hurriedly raced for the shade that the tree produced, Cry grinning in amusement at how his friends were behaving. When they were safely shielded from the suns harmful rays Felix collapsed onto the high grass.

"Stupid sun." Marzia said as she sat next to Felix.

Cry gave a chuckle before sitting in between Felix and (Y/N). When he was comfortable he grabbed the backpack and shoved everything vital for survival or had some memory attached before looking through it and grabbing a 'Bioshock' wrist watch and looking at the time.

"It's eleven thirty-five right now. We can eat lunch here."

The three others gave an exaggerated sigh of relief before grabbing their bags behind them. Cry turned his wrist over to latch on the wrist watch. His frustration however, was growing when he tried to put it on for the fifth time yet it would slip away.

"Need some help?"

There was no need to distinguish the voice since he already knew who it was. He turned his gaze to (Y/N) who stared at him with (e/c) eyes filled with curiosity. His heart seemed to speed up as he looked at her. His throat refused to form words so he gave a nod instead.

(Y/N) gave a small smile which made his stomach churn and fill with a fuzzy feeling. Gently she scooted closer and grabbed the ends of the watch, quickly latching it on and making sure it wasn't too loose to where it would fall off. When she was satisfied she put her hands on her lap.

"Finis-" When she raised her head she stopped abruptly seeing that his mask wasn't more than two inches from her face. (Y/n) couldn't see his reaction but he seemed to be having some trouble taking a breath.

"H-How does I-it feel?"

"It f-feels fine. Thank you (Y-Y/N)."

Her face quickly heated when he stuttered at her name. Her stomach seemed to be fluttering. Her gaze went back down and could now see Cry's wrist watch design.

"I've heard that game is amazing. Never got a chance to play it though."

Cry looked down at his watch and gave a small laugh. "One of my favorites. Whenever this goes back to normal I'll show you."

She gave a small smile, her blush dissipating and her heart rate decreasing. Yet, the funny feeling refused to go away. "I'll take you up on that offer."

~Time Skip~

The time was now 12:27 as the four were finishing up lunch which was a can of fruit and a slice of bread. The team decided to wait for thirty minutes before continuing the trek. Felix and Cry were reminiscing back to old times while Marzia busied herself in fixing (Y/N)'s (h/l), (H/c) hair.

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