Part 10: Safe And Sound (Finale)

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When the helicopters landed the wounded were the first to be let out of the flying machines and rushed into the ambulances that awaited them. (Y/N), Marzia, and Felix were the next ones out and were rushing to where Cry was being put into the back by some paramedics. However, they were stopped by the same men trying to help him.

"We're with him." Felix said matter-of-factly while pointing at Cry who now laid in the ambulance unconscious.

"He needs to be checked over for any internal injuries and infections. The quickest you'll be able to see him is probably two days from now." The paramedic said quickly as he closed the doors.

"What?!" (Y/N) loudly replied in shock.

The man didn't respond as he got in the vehicle and quickly raced down the roadway.

"Two days?" Marzia asked in confusion. "Did I hear that right?"

"I'd like to say no." (Y/N) replied while her voice started to crack.

Felix gently pulled them both into a side hug, gently placing a kiss on Marzia's head. "I'm sure he's fine. Cry's a tough b*stard."

Tears slowly fell down (Y/N)'s (s/c) cheeks as she dreaded waiting two days to see her masked savior.

~3rd Person POV Following Cry~

Reality can be good and bad. The same concept works with dreams except they can be twice as good or bad. They can feel real, but it's only a virtual reality that your mind thinks up. However, you don't realize until you wake up.

Cry found himself at the warehouse. From the view of his mask he could see (Y/N) on the ground bleeding from a shoulder wound. No one else was around except for him and the bleeding (your age) year old girl.

"(Y/N)!" Cry shouted as he lifted his foot.

However, something had taken hold of his ankles. He looked down to see the man who kept Marzia and (Y/N) hostage was holding him back. That wasn't the part that made his heart race. It was the fact that the once-human face of Keith was now a decomposing, zombified version and it was even more terrifying when it opened it's mouth and spoke.

"Your little b*tch is done for." A gurgling voice responded with a cackle.

Hundreds of moans were heard soon after. Cry's gaze shot to the (h/c) haired girl and saw infected gathering around her body. (Y/N) had become unconscious due to excessive blood lose. His blood felt like it turned to slush.

He now was struggling to move and save her. However, the zombified Keith kept a vice-like grip on his ankles. Cry tried to kick him off. Yet, his efforts were fruitless.

'God d*mn it! No!'


There was no response as the infected closed in until (Y/N)'s body wasn't visible. Before he could speak, hands grabbed onto his face from behind. His back hit the ground hard enough to knock the air out of his lungs. When he opened his eyes Keith was nose to nose with him. His mask was then ripped off of his face and thrown off to the side.

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