Part 3: The Messenger

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*2 MonthsLater*

Your POV

Cry and I have gotten more and more closer over the past two months. The moans from those... animals... things? Whatever they are their presence was still outside, but not in the alleyway. After sharing our life stories we would joke around with each other. I grew less tense and more comfortable knowing he wouldn't stab me in the back whenever I turned away.

Right now he was in the shower while I was in the kitchen grabbing a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly (A/N: Sorry if your allergic.) to make a sandwich. I grabbed two knives and opened up the peanut butter, spreading some onto a slice of bread. While doing so I started to hum (your favorite song), losing the alertness and my surroundings. As I opened the jelly a hand touched my shoulder.

Before I knew it, I grabbed the hand and spun around; yielding the knife. That is, until the person grabbed my wrist holding the sharp object, stopping it from almost hitting them.

My (e/c) eyes stared up into wide amused yet cautious blue eyes. His blond hair laid slightly messy on his head; not that my hair looked much better. "I'd rather keep my face unharmed. Okay bro?"

I simply glared up at him, not trusting this stranger for a second. He gave a small smile. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just needed to get away from them."

His voice sounded... well... foreign. I couldn't pin point exactly what accent it is.

"Hey (Y/N)! You can take a shower n-"

I turned my head to see Cry standing in the doorway, gun aimed. A small breath of relief came from me. The blond haired male loosened his grip on my wrist.


My eyes widened at the blonde's knowledge of the masked man's name. To my amazement, he lowered the gun.


You know that little mushroom cloud you see in the movies after a huge explosion? That's how my brain was when the two called each others names. Mind. Blown.

"Dude your girlfriend is such a bad*ss! She almost carved my face with this knife!" He said as he swung my wrist with the knife tightly in my grasp back and forth.

My (s/c) cheeks quickly heated up as I snuck a peek at Cry who was pulling his mask down. He gave a chuckle that sounded slightly shaky. "We're not together friend. I've never seen her go into assassin mode though."

The blond Swede known as 'Pewds' gave a chuckle before turning his face to mine. "Aww... she's embarrassed! That's adorable!"

My face heated up more at his comment before trying to pull my wrist away from his grasp. 'Pewds' noticed this and let go. "Sorry 'bout that bro. What's your name?"

I turned my gaze to Cry's to see if it was safe to trust him. He lifted up his mask a bit to show his grin as he gave me a thumbs up. With a small nod, I turned my gaze to his again.


"Nice to officially meet you without any knives to my face. I'm Felix. You can call me 'Pewdiepie' or 'Pewds'. Don't care which."

I gave a nod with a small chuckle.

"So Pewds... not to seem rude, but what are you doing here?"

His blue eyes shifted to Cry who stepped fully into the room closer to the two. "Hiding from them. I'm looking for Carbovnia." (A/N: Yes I made up 'Carbovnia'. Don't know why and it isn't a foreign word for 'safety' or anything fancy like that. Just something I thought up at the moment.)

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