Part 8: New Recruits

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"Surprised?" The man with the curly beard said.

This man was a person neither Cry nor Felix thought they'd run into during this living hell, yet her he was protecting a part of his group.

"Just a bit friend. We didn't expect to meet up with anyone we know."

Felix walked up to the man with a cap and blue eyes who had a very strong Irish accent and held out his hand. "Need a hand, Jackieboy?"

He chuckled before grabbing the Swede's held out hand. "I think I deserve it since I almost got my face smashed in."

Dark eyes landed on Cry's expressionless mask. "Sounds like when you locked yourself in the bathroom before I killed you, huh young lady?"

Cry felt himself relax slightly as he let out a laugh, the 'Prop Hunt' video that they recorded coming to mind. "You still don't understand me Ken."

The group of four laughed before Felix broke the happy reunion. "So, why are you guys out here?"

"We're looking for survivors. Just saw a van zoom by a couple hours ago so we're following it."

This information quickly caught both of the male's attention. "A van?!"

"Yeah. Why? Is that part of your group?" Ken asked in confusion.

The drastic mood change from hopeful to outraged in both Cry and Felix startled Sean and Ken a little bit. Cry spoke in a soft voice, his hands curling into fists. "Not exactly."

"Those f*ckers took Marzia and (Y/N)." Felix finished, his jaw clenched and his voice a low growl.

"What?!" Sean asked in shock.

'What would anyone want from them? Especially during a f*cking apocalypse?' Those thoughts ran through Sean's mind as Ken grabbed his backpack, pulling out a high-tech device.

"Told you it wasn't a waste to put a tracking device on it."Ken said with a grin while Sean flipped him off.

"Tracking device... you mean-"

"You can find them?!" Cry interrupted Felix, both with an elated feeling. So much relief was filling them that it could make them cry... manly tears of course.

"This device," Sean pointed to the hand-held device that Ken was messing with. "can find anything it's tracking, no matter where it is."

"Where the h*ll did you get something like that?" Cry asked curiously.

"Can I have one?" Felix asked, a child-like glint in his eyes.

"We work at an organization. This is part of our gear." Sean explained.

"What organization?"

Ken gave a grin in success as the machine made a buzz. "Found it!"

"Let's head out then. Not a lot of sunlight left so those undead f*ckers will be tryin' ta chew our *sses if we don't hurry." Sean said as him and Ken started to lead the way.

So many of Cry and Felix's questions were left unanswered. However, there wasn't going to be much sunlight left and they had a lot of traveling to do, so there's plenty of time to ask on the way to retrieve (Y/N) and Marzia.


The worn rope was chaffing the females bound wrists, rubbing them raw. Marzia gave a hiss of pain while (Y/N) gave a small curse. Their throats were parched and their legs felt numb from not being able to move around.

"Uncomfortable girls?"

It felt like a block of ice fell at the bottom of (Y/N)'s stomach when she heard the voice.

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