Part 7: The Search

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Darkness surrounded you which terrified and comforted you. Excitement filled your stomach, knowing you wouldn't have to live in fear. You would finally be able to see your parents!

Yet, one thought made you guilty and sad. Your promise to Marzia and Cry was never kept. His promise; you would keep yourself safe. Marzia's promise; finally confessing your feelings to the masked man. Cry's promise; to keep yourself safe.

Your heart gave a painful ache at this thought. Both Cry and Felix are probably looking for the both of you right now, yet they'd never find you, because the last event you remember is being thrown into the back of the van along with Marzia by two men, abducting the both of you during an apocalypse for whatever reason.


Now you were confused. Was Marzia dead along with you? This thought made you pitiful since she never got to say good-bye to Felix.

'I'm so sorry Marzia...'

"(Y/N), come on! Wake up!"

'Please forgive me...'

"Sorry for this."

Before you were able to respond, a sharp sting came from your arm. You jolted up with a yelp, holding your arm before finding a blurry image of a person sitting beside you. It took a bit before your eyesight adjusted to the dim lighting. However, there wasn't much to see since the space the both of you were in was vacant of any thing. A single lantern hanging above was your only source of light.

"Where... where are we? Where's Cry and Felix?"

The sadness in her eyes made you flinch. Her eyes were puffy from crying, her cheeks splotchy and the mention of her Swedish boyfriend had her bottom lip quivering. "Back at the barn. Two men... they stole us. We're in their van, going god knows where."

"I'm so sorry Marzia. We'll get out of here... we'll see them again."

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand before looking at you with a frown, curiosity evident in her eyes. "How?"

Gently, you pulled her into a side hug for comfort. "We survived this long. Plus, I'm certain the guys won't give up until they find us."

Marzia sniffled a bit and laid her head on your shoulder. Soon enough, soft snores were heard and one thought floated through your mind before falling asleep.

'Please... please be safe...'


"They should be here!" Cry said, his heart beating faster, not seeing (Y/N) or Marzia.

"I know!" A disgruntled Felix said as he looked inside the vacated barn.

"Then where are they?!"

"How the f*ck should I know?!"

"They wouldn't have went somewhere without us, so where are they?!" Cry yelled, frantically looking for clues as to where they may have went.

"Your guess is as good as mine!"

The Masked Man remained silent, knowing if he didn't he could say something he'd regret. A small patch of silence fell over the two as their flashlight beams showed nothing but mud on the ground and wet straw.

"Wait... I think I found something!" Felix cried in excitement and relief.

Cry quickly ran to his friend's side, his heart beating wildly, hope blooming at the thought of finding the two females. "What?!"

"Look! Right there! Tire tracks and footprints!"

The two's gaze went to what looked like two sets of footsteps (one set bigger while the other was smaller) near the entrance of the barn. A fight had definitely occurred before the smaller footsteps ended near the tire tracks then two sets of bigger footsteps to what they were guessing was where the driver and passenger side doors were located.

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