Playlist & Book Description

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The Wizarding world and it characters belong to J.K Rowling

Baby's Breath flower, so small, so overlooked at times.
This flower represents everlasting love, a symbol of purity, innocence, hope, and a new beginning

A muggle born witch, a little sister of two older sisters of Petunia and Lily Evans. Petunia is overprotective of their little sister even though she's a year younger than Lily. Lily is always excited to teach her little sister new things and even introduce her to her best friend: Severus.

Severus nicknamed this young Evans girl, Baby's Breath, and when she was given her hogwarts letter, her whole family, including Petunia, rejoiced for having another witch in their family.

The first arrival to Diagon Alley with her family was so magical to the girl that while getting Lily's second year things, the girl bumped into a group of four boys, the boy with long black hair helped her of the ground with a cocky smile on his face til her sisters pulled her away from the four boys.

Once at Hogwarts and the sorting ceremony, the girl sat on the stool with the sorting hat on her head for nearly seven minutes debating between Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor, until finally being placed in Hufflepuff but over the years it didn't stop her from having friends in all of the houses.

She always tailed after the Marauders group at times, or Lily, or Severus, and her best friend: Regulus Black for her first four years at Hogwarts, was even known to intervene between fights with the pranking group and Severus stopping them from the boys mainly James, and Sirius from going overboard by harmlessly jinxing their food with odd spells she'd learn in the library or from the portraits, and of course her professors.

Headmaster Dumbledore took to nickname the young Evans girl, the next Helga Hufflepuff for her kindness, a strong sense of justice, patience, and her hard work propensity.

If anyone was searching for her, they'd either find her in the kitchens, library, or the room of requirement just experimenting, learning all she could to make things better than ever

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