An Angry Badger

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A fist collided into Bellatrix Black's face as another hand pulled Regulus Black away from the group of snakes. E/c eyes were darkened with pure rage as students began surrounding the group, murmuring about a Hufflepuff actually standing up to a Slytherin upperclassmen.

Bellatrix: "Brave little mud blood, aren't you, Evans." She said, smearing blood from her busted nose away from her lips.

Y/n: "Can it Bellatrix, and you lot should leave Reggie alone he's not like your lot." She said while keeping her guard up and motioned for Regulus to go get back up. "So, we settling this with fists or magic?" She questioned before quickly taking out her wand, casting protego around herself with ease as Bellatrix's group tried to ambush her. "No, class with you, purebloods, huh?" She asked sarcastically before holding her own til Regulus returned with the Marauders and a few brave Hufflepuffs, as well as headmaster Dumbledore. "Oops..." She said while disarming Bellatrix at the last moment. "Hello, headmaster, how much trouble am I in?" She questioned while the other house heads took care of their houses as Dumbledore took her, Regulus, and the Marauders into his office to talk. "Look, Bellatrix was bullying Regulus in front of me, his best friend for living with his brother at James house." She started saying it was not secret now that the Black brothers were living with the Potters since the start of Sirius sixth year and Regulus fifth year here at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore sent the boys outside of his office to leave the girl in his office while he cast silencing charm around the office to talk to the girl privately. After thirty minutes or so, Y/n walked out of the office to get tackle hugged by the Marauders, Regulus, Severus, and Lily before they all began asking questions which Y/n was quite to answer except the one of her not being expelled for breaking Bellatrix's nose, she was given detention with McGonagall for a week.

During that week, Y/n was reading up on the animagus potion, and thankfully, she had help to fulfill her ambition and her own mandrake plant for leaves. A month of holding the leaf in her mouth was difficult, but thankfully, Regulus helped her out with saying she was sick and the Marauders helped her get the things she needed to complete the potions required ingredients and steps which soon led to full moon nights with a huge black furred dog, a stag, a rat, a werewolf playing with a e/c eyed european badger with unique fur markings

 A month of holding the leaf in her mouth was difficult, but thankfully, Regulus helped her out with saying she was sick and the Marauders helped her get the things she needed to complete the potions required ingredients and steps which soon led t...

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Y/n ran throughout the halls of hogwarts carrying her brown leather suitcase as she fixed her Hufflepuff colored scarf around her neck to run up to Hagrid's hut to meet up with the half giant and her mentor slash idol for her magi-zoologist lessons.

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