Always Family First

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Y/n was making a pot of calming tea for herself, Lily, and Petunia in her own home while in the living room entertaining her newborn nephews Dudley Dursley and Harry Potter.

Y/n: "Biscuits with the tea, Nia, Lils?" She questioned while poking her out of the kitchen.

Petunia: "That sounds lovely, BB." She said with a smile on her face. The older Evans sisters had a strained relationship before the younger was born. Thankfully, Y/n was a peacekeeper of sorts for her older sisters, so if she was around, the two got along even though two were magical and a lone muggle.

Y/n came out of the kitchen holding a tray of nibble foods while a little being; a house elf dressed in a suit followed after her levitating a tea tray.

Y/n: "Thank you for the help, Puffles." She said towards the elf to award him with a head pat and a sickle. "Could you keep an eye on dinner, please?" She asked while the being nodded and walked off back into the kitchen.

Lily: "So, Y/n, how are you and Sirius doing?" She asked while Y/n's cheeks flushed a bright hue. "Oh, that good, hmm?" She questioned sarcastically with a coy smile before Y/n lightly nudged her shoulder as the three women began drinking their tea and snacks as Y/n gave Dudley and Harry a tiny pile of sweet biscuits that would be easy for the infants to enjoy.

Later that night, Y/n walked out of her magical briefcase alongside Puffles when she heard a harsh thud outside of her home, Y/n quickly armed herself with her wand and went towards the door to see a shadowed figure on the porch.

Y/n: She pulled the figure harshly into her home and placed the tip of her wand against the figures throat. "How does one open up and close up the Marauders Map?" She questioned the figure before her while using her free hand to remove the cloak hood from the figures head to reveal Sirius Black, but with the war still in action, one could never be too careful.

Sirius: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, and Mischief Managed." He said while noticing his love's hesitation before holding up his ring hand to show a small moving image tattoo of a European badger underneath his wedding ring finger. "Honey Badger, it's really me, Love." He said while Y/n breathed slowly in relief before placing her wand in her pants pocket.

Y/n: "Sorry, Sirius, this war is really getting to me, especially with those I desperately want to protect." She said while her husband pulled her into a comforting embrace and kissed her forehead before resting his hands against her stomach. "No, I didn't tell Petunia or Lily." She said while removing the glamor from her stomach to reveal her eighth month pregnancy. "Just one more month to go." She said before laughing at her hushed while he knelt down to kiss her belly and talk to their growing child.

Sirius: "We can hardly wait to meet you, our little pups." He said as he felt a kick, which made him smile widely in happiness before he looked up at his wife. "I still can't believe we're going to be parents soon. At least they'll have cousins a month apart in birthdays." He said while he stood up and helped Y/n into the living room to get off of her feet to relax. "I love you, Y/n Rose Black. My fierce little badger." He said before placing a loving kiss onto her cheek.

Y/n: "I know, and I love you too, Sirius Orion Black, my big loyal dog." She said before placing a small kiss onto his lips while Puffles came in to serve the two dinner and eat with them under their masters kindness.

((Puffles is a house elf that Y/n rescued during her stealth missions to free chained magical creatures that Deatheaters were using in the war

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((Puffles is a house elf that Y/n rescued during her stealth missions to free chained magical creatures that Deatheaters were using in the war. Y/n freed the malnourished being from their Deatheater master chains, and she showed them that not all witches nor wizards are evil. After the aurors dragged the live Deatheaters off to Azkaban, Y/n took custody of Puffles alongside the freed magical creatures. At first, Sirius was reluctant at the idea, but he was persuaded by his wife and the order's magi-zoologist and healer))

Sirius & Y/n's child or children

Twin: Boys

Twin: Girls

Twin: Boy & Girl


Single child: Boy or Girl

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