II: The Party

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"This is the last summer before college guys, we need to make it one we won't forget!!" 
"Mara, you're going to UCSD. I'm going to UCLA, Cat you're going to Stanford. Come on just one party" Val begged and pleaded.
 "How about this we'll go if.... You do one thing of our choice this summer no matter what it is" I said, 
"Oh my god, Mara can we choose your outfit?" Cat asked, reluctantly I agreed because I can't dress for the life of me. After ten minutes of searching they chose a black leather mini skirt with a white lace corset top, and then they decided one was going to curl my hair and the other was going to do my make-up.  Around three hours later we were all wearing somewhat coordinating outfits. Cat was wearing a black crop-top and black ripped jeans and Val was wearing camo sweatpants and a black corset. Thank god they let me choose my own shoes because there was no way I was wearing heels for the second time today. Instead, I wore white checkered vans. 
The party was loud and crowded. I hate crowds. Pushing our way through the crowd of sweaty teenagers we made it to the living room where Sam, Rozy, Bre, Kane, Cole, Franky, Kiri, and July were waiting for us. Cat ran up to Cole and kissed him. Then Val did the same to Sam. "Eww, No PDA" I yelled laughing. Franky in a sarcastic tone said.
"You're only jealous they have each other and you have no one." 
"The last time I checked you're just as lonely as me," I said while playing along with him. 
I walked away to go get some drinks for us. I just needed to get out of the crowd. I didn't realize anyone followed me till I walked into the kitchen and slid down the cabinets. Pressing my knees to my chest. "What are you doing down there?" a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Elijah. A kid who moved here just last year standing above me. He sat down next to me. I finally replied.
 "Getting away from the crowd. I'm a little agoraphobic"  He smirked. God his smirk gave me butterflies. He has deep blue eyes I swear I could get lost in. 
"I like your hair, when did you dye it?" he asked. 
"Thanks, I dyed it after graduation,"  I said, playing with the purple highlights of my hair. We chatted for like ten minutes before we got the drinks and headed back to the living room. 
When I got there I saw Rozy and Val had gotten themselves into a shot-taking contest against Jerret and Dylan. Great, when will those boys learn that Rozy and Val are just going to beat them every time? I handed Everyone cups of coke and rum and sat on the couch next to Elijah and Cat who were now sitting on Cole's lap.  Finally, everyone started yelling. Once again as I expected Val and Roz won the contest. I rushed over to them and congratulated them then turned to Jerret and Dylan who both looked like they saw ghosts.  "Noo!" Jerret yelled
 "Do we have to?" Dylan said, 
"Do you have to do it?" I asked in confusion.
 "Get eggs thrown at us" Val nodded their head and Rozy disappeared to god knows where. Not even a minute later she came back with a 36-pack of eggs. The boys ran out of the house and all of us followed. 
Me, Kiri, Roz, Elijah, Cat, Sam, and Val. We started to throw eggs at them. When no one was paying attention Franky went to the side of the house and started spraying everyone with the hose. The loud music from inside got louder and we all heard the song Graduation from Juice World.
"I wish tonight would never end!" I yelled not realizing there were people recording us. Everyone laughed. When we went inside I was dragged up from the couch to dance  with Kiri, Cat, and Val.
 "I'm going to miss this,'' Cat said. We ignored it and continued shaking our asses like no one was watching.  More than a few times I caught Elijah starring. Val decided to stand on the table to make a toast. 
"Hello my fellow peeps and freaks, I just wanted to say... We did it. We actually freaking  did it. For those of us leaving college in a few months I just want to say our time together has been ever so swell. I want to give some congratulations to my closest friends. Mara congrats on proving your family wrong and getting into UCSD. Cat congrats on making it to Stanford. Sam my love Congrats on making it into UCSC. Elijah Congrats on making it into UCLA I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot. Ok, I'm done having a fantastic night. Also Jarrett, how's it feel to lose again!" 
       Elijah's going to UCLA. I thought he and I wouldn't see each other again. I thought I would get a chance to get rid of this stupid crush I have on him. God and the worst part is Val, Sam, Cat, and Cole are renting a four-bedroom house. What if they invite him over. 
"I didn't know you were going to UCLA '' I said with a smile before sitting next to Elijah on the couch.
 "Yeah I just decided where I was going... How about you? I didn't know you wanted to go to UCSD. " 
" I didn't tell a lot of people in case I didn't get in." AGAIN HE SMILED. Damn boy I'm going to die before the night is over. 
Sure enough around 3am me, Cat, and Val called an Uber to head to Cat's aunt's house. Well to her aunt's trailer.  
When we got there me and Cat had to help Val stay standing and change. When we were finished I hoped in the shower to think. Why is he so nice to me? What is it about him that makes me feel so, so happy?  But my thoughts were interrupted when Cat rushed in the bathroom and started puking. "Damn girl you ok" I asked, trying not to join her in serving the porcelain gods a feast.  She gave me a thumbs up and sat against the wall.
"You know he likes you right?" She said, I was shocked, surely she's wrong. I shot my head out the shower curtain. 
"I know he doesn't" I said insistently. 
"Mara he stared at you all night, he always does nice things for you and he flirts with you all the time." 
"I mean yeah but he's just trying to be nice."  
"What is with you, ever since you and..." she trailed off
 "You don't like to admit that there are some people out there that do like you and won't use you. Elijah, he's a good one. Hell if I wasn't with Cole I'd date him" she said. While I was getting out to dry off. 
After our conversation, we went to bed. Crawling in quietly to be sure not to wake Val up. I could barely sleep all night thinking about what Cat had said. What if it is true? What if, if he does like me? But what if he doesn't? 
We all slept in late but I woke up first and decided to make a hangover smoothie with Kale, spinach, bananas, and strawberries. Shoving everything in the blender, I blended it all together till it was a green liquid. Val and Cat jumped when it turned on. Cat threw a pillow at me and Val covered her head with a pillow. "Rise and shine my beautiful fellows," I said jokingly Cat laughed and said
 "You scared me," we all laughed at that joke. 
I handed them both a cup of smoothie. They drank them in no time. "What are we doing today?" Cat asked. 
"Ouija board," I said jokingly. Val covered her head
 "You scare me."
"Who wants to go to the beach? We can take my Camaro." Val said. 
"Sure," Before we left I changed into my black and gold bikini and put jean shorts and a crop top over it. Val and Cat put on their swimsuits too. We went toVal's grandparent's house. To grab some clothes and supplies for the beach. Snacks, Lunch, Towels, Sunscreen all the essentials. 
We left round 10. And arrived at Sandy beach at 12. When we got there I was surprised to see Elijah, Sam, And Cole waiting for us. "Did I forget to mention we invited them?" Cat and Val said, Great

The Moments That Count Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon