Chapter 3: The first outage

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Omar's POV.

Jo and I left what seems to be the lobby of the hospital in hopes of creating an overall image of the building. Since murder was mentioned earlier (Because what else follows if you say you have Murderer and Detective at the same place?), the exploration could be very useful to know all the possible places where someone can die.

The first place where someone can, for sure die in, is the kitchen. Knives, even sharper knives, oven, fridge, scissors, etc. - anything that can be a potential murder weapon if used correctly.

Another place is anywhere near the room where I woke up in - the one with the surgical instruments. It says it all.

At this point, you can die anywhere, even in the bathroom, or while hiding inside a cupboard out of fear you are going to die next.

The first place we are going to check out is the kitchen. It is located in the basement. Very weird location for a kitchen. I hope it has running water.

When we arrived, I was pretty surprised when I saw it. I thought it could look worse, but no, it exceeded my expectations. Brand new equipment, furniture. There was a dining table at the other end of the room too. I opened a drawer, only to find polished knives, forks, spoons. The girl gave me a weird look for looking at these for too long.

"Everything is new, eh?"

"Yeah, I noticed. It pretty much stands out, compared to the dull walls, covered in cracks." - responded Jo.

We checked every single spot while time flew by.

"Man, I'm hungry."

Jo opened the fridge to look for something edible.

"I did not expect this much food."

A second of searching and another second of silence.

"I found a large box with yogurt, you want some?" - she said, as she closed the fridge with one hand while hugging the box with the other one.

"I won't mind."

I grabbed two spoons and we sat at the table. There were a lot less than fifteen seats. That's weird.

I ate a few spoons of yogurt when unexpectedly, the lights went out.

"Ugh, an outage." - she commented.

"What else do you expect? I am grateful the building is still standing."

We talked for a little, while still eating. I was very hungry, what else do you think I would be doing?

Some time passed by, I don't know exactly how many minutes or hours. There was, indeed, a clock here too. It showed 10:59 pm the last time I looked at it.

A bloodcurdling, high pitched scream was heard. It was the same as the one from before. This time, even more horrifying. The screaming continued for approximately ten seconds, before it went away. I didn't hear anything after that.

Jo did not say a word afterwards. I could feel she was very shocked from what she just heard. We just sat there silently, in the dark.

Many thoughts were racing in my mind. Did someone die? If yes, then what do we do? Who is the Murderer?! Will I make it out alive? Is there any hope for anyone among us to live?

Later, the power outage went away. The lightning was restored.

I went straight upstairs back to the lobby. There were some people crying, others coming out of their hiding spots and third - people who just arrived here from other parts of the abandoned place. I can hear Jo's footsteps from behind me.

No one dared to say anything for a while, until Elizabeth asked:

"Where's Vinny?"

Another silent wave.

"I say we split up and search for the missing boy." - spoke up Nikolai.

We split up in groups as fast as we could. My group consisted of me, Indah, Dvir and Kim-Ly. Each group searched in different areas of the place. We got the basement floor, more specifically, the area around the bathrooms.

Wait, what if the screams earlier were, in fact, Vinny's screams? What if he died?

No. It can't be. No one here is insane enough to kill people, right?

I was wrong. A traped person can do anything in order to escape. Even the most horrifying crimes.

Fast enough, another scream.


The speaker was turned on again.

"Vinny died from the Murderer..."

(Words count: 728)

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