Chapter 7: The first bad decision

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Omar's POV.

I woke up from my sleep. The lights were still on. Either the night passed while I was not awake or the night will begin soon.

Now, the reason why I woke up is not what I expected it to be. Apparently, there were speakers everywhere, and one happened to be almost right next to my fucking ear. I have to watch out where I sit next time.

"Nobody died last night."

That was the announcement this time. Unbelievable. I don't think I heard right.

"Before you do anything, I will inform you that I will put a few, how do I call them, posters, in the lobby. On them, it will be explained every role's abilities, team and etc... You get it. It will be with all possible roles, not limited to the roles that you guys have. Another of the papers will have the rules written on it. And I am putting those posters, because I woke up in a good mood today and felt like doing good deeds. Expect them to be up by a few minutes."

"Finally something helpful! For the first time since we got our journals." - exclaimed Dvir.

"Guys, to make matters worse, I got witched!" - called out Liling, but Nikolai countered:

"I thought you were the Witch..."

"Excuse me? Repeat that again, now louder and slower." She gave him a death stare afterwards. She made him shut up.

"Uhm, whatever."

"Can witches witch themselves or not? That's what I am wondering about." - I spoke up.

"Even if it is possible, I don't think the Witch would witch themselves, it's just not practical for them."

"You have a point here" - I replied to Jo. After I said that, Elizabeth asked:

"Oh my god, Jo, what happened to you?"

"Oh, uh, honestly, no idea. I was just going to get something to eat after I finished taking a shower, but then I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and passed out."

"You were attacked, but you somehow lived." - pointed out Nikolai.

"You have 10 more minutes for discussion until it's time to vote! I shortened the time, because unfortunately, there isn't a body to investigate."

"What happens if we all don't vote?" - asked Indah.

"To put it simple - everyone dies."

"Oh, nevermind then. Any leads?"

"No, nothing new." - replied Prasiddhi with annoyance in her voice. "I guess everyone just votes for whoever they want and then we hope the person who gets voted out is evil."

"That's very risky, but we don't really have any choice. Do we at least have a Spy who by any chance visited Jo tonight?"

No one claimed they are the Spy. For now, I will just wait and observe.

Prasiddhi turned to Jo.

"Do you remember at least the face of the attacker?"

"No? I was attacked from the back. I barely even remember the most recent events prior to the incident."


I need to get even more creative with my ways to appear suspicious. Maybe whisper weird things in people's ears? Too hard (to even approach them) and risky. Send notes in which I'm claiming to be targeting them? Sure, that'll work if I use a few pieces of paper from my journal.

In the meantime, everyone was discussing who has the highest chance of getting voted out. Some people bet on Nikolai. Oh how wrong everyone was.

"Voting time. You know the procedure - write the person's name in your journals and blah blah blah."

I voted for Elizabeth. She is one of my few options. No, I am not trying to imply that I dislike her, just, something is off about her. Otherwise, if the rules were slightly different, I would have voted for myself, of course.

After a shortly while, the votes were counted. To this day, I still have no idea how are they even counted.

"Kim-Ly has the most votes."

Out of all people, her?! The majority were shocked.

The lights flickered and poor Kim suffered the same fate as John.

"Why her?! She was a Survivor!" - called out Quinn, now upset.

The only thing left from the girl, was her journal. She had taken some notes and had doodles on the other pages, but she was, in fact, a Survivor. And the only people who have so far died were Survivors.

No one really talked for a while. We shouldn't repeat the same mistake ever again. This was a very bad decision - the first in a chain of many.

(Words count: 754)

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