Chapter 6: One lucky save

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??? (The Medic)'s POV.

This is dumb. Ridiculous.

I got the role I least expected. I could have gotten something cooler like Spy or Detective. But Medic. It's not like I have graduated from Medical school or anything.

I am still trying to figure out how to heal people. Last night, I healed someone and a different person died. No, no, no. Tonight will be different. I will try and save someone from the Murderer.

I have to save someone who is either with an important role from the Good team (and their role was revealed), someone who is pin pointing on suspects and almost figures it all out, both or myself (in case my role gets revealed). Yesterday, I also found out I have only one self heal for all of the nights.

Right, anyways. I am right now in the lobby. I leaned against a wall, next to the lifts doors and by some miracle, I did not miss it in the dark. I have memorised some of the names from that list from my journal. About it - I haven't really written anything, besides ranting about my personal life.

Now, about people. Right. As I said, I don't remember everyone. The most notable people were Jo, Quinn, Elizabeth - you get it. But there are some quiet ones like Indah, who I almost forgot about and Liling. Honestly, Liling is so passive. She rarely expresses any opinions, emotions or does anything. I am suspicious of her.

I thought for a while on who to heal, until I decided to go with Jo. I don't really share her views, but whatever. She is smart. But not as much as I am.

Hah, joking.

Speaking of Jo, where was she earlier? I haven't seen her since the voting. I heard from Omar she was taking a shower. That was, at least, before it went dark and before he brought us all ice creams. She is most likely done by now.

I heard a commotion going on right next to me. Someone spoke up:

"Bro, why do we say we cook bacon and bake cookies, instead of baking bacon and cooking cookies?"


"Oh my god, they're at it again!" Elizabeth was now worried about Amethyst and Kim-Ly overthinking English grammar.

"Anyways, I gotta go. See ya!" Amethyst stood up and walked, until she somehow hit the wall. And wasn't that dark not to see the wall!

"See? I can't even walk straight!"

"Yeah, okay, same." - replied Prasiddhi.



I left the group to check on Jo. It was two and something am, almost three and she wasn't back. I think Omar informed us at around 21 or 22 o'clock. Either she is doing something in the kitchen, is in big trouble or is on the first floor, which I didn't really care about until this moment.

I hesitated for a bit to go down, so I made up a plan in case something goes very wrong.

*An unknown amount of time and one useless plan later*

I made it all up, I did it. I am now very prepared. For the worst.

I returned to get the medical kit I was provided with at the start. I hid it inside one of the locked counters. I found its key. But I found something new too - a flashlight. I am definitely hiding this for now. An asshole move, I know and I don't give a fuck.

I opened the metal door to the staircase and went down. I turned on the torch and the view in front of me was horrifying.

Jo was lying on her face on the floor right in front of the bathroom, unconscious. Blood was going down from the back of her head.

I had to take action immediately. I put the torch under my left arm and opened the box with supplies. The injury looked very recent, like it was done just a few minutes ago. First, I had to stop the bleeding...

*timeskip, because I am not getting cancelled yet for all of these timeskips across the story, yay*

I did it. I think I saved her. Now the only thing is if she will wake up. I have no idea how much time has passed, but it was still dark. I don't want to leave her alone, because, well, obvious reasons, but I have to tell the rest.

I hid my things again at the same place I found them. What can you expect? Most of the hospitals, built during the soviet era are way too similar. I can easily navigate throughout them.

Just as I locked it and got up, the lights went on.

I breathed out a sigh of relief that it was finally over.

Before I can say anything, I saw Jo standing confused right in front of the hallway that lead to the staircase. She was all patched up on the bad head. Now one really paid any attention, until the announcement was made.

"Nobody died last night."

(Word count: 839)

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