Chapter 5: The first day when everything got quiet

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Omar's POV. (sticking with it for a large chunk of the story, main character, deal with it lol)

Everyone just went in their own ways like nothing happened. I just can't understand - someone died a few hours ago and they already forgot about it?!

Whatever, let me just describe what is happening right now at the lobby.

- Quinn was quietly drawing something in their journal, but I couldn't see clearly what it was;

- Prasiddhi was talking with Amethyst in the corner, while eating a suspiciously large muffin. A muffin? That's new.

- Dvir and Charlotte were arguing, probably over something dumb. They better keep it down.

- Liling, Elizabeth, Kim-Ly, Carlos and Nikolai were playing something with cards. At least I think those were the names. I'm bad at remembering names.

Playing with cards? Where did they even get these from?!

I walked up to the group.

"UNO!" - shouted Elizabeth while placing a card and at the same time hittibg me in the face with the other one. "Wait, Omar, if that was your name? I'm sorry!"

"Well it's okay."

I looked at Liling. Out of all the people playing, she seems to be the most responsible and mature. That's why I also asked her from where she has these cards.

"Ask Elizabeth, not me. I only joined the game because I was bored."

"Just asked the speaker 'kindly' to give me something random to do while the time flies by."

*flashback to Elizabeth threatening 'the kidnapper' that she would expose his identity, and he just played along*

"Yeah, sure, 'kindly'. You literally threatened him that you would expose his identity to the whole world, but I mean, even a blondie like him isn't falling for that." - attacked Liling.

"The most important thing is we got the cards, right? Now Omar, do you want to play with us?"

I had no choice, but to accept. A few people were nowhere to be seen.

*timeskip, because the average flicker players finally found out that Prasiddhi's name is not spelled as Prassidhi*

After many UNO games and many wins for Carlos (somehow), I went down to get food for obvious biological reasons. On the way, I got a few requests to bring a few ice creams. From my memories before the game, it was around end of May, so it makes sence. The bigger question is for how long was I unconscious before I woke up here. It was very hot in the room, so I would guess it's already summer.

I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist while keeping my journal with one hand from falling.

On my way to the staircase, I passed near Quinn. They were showing their drawing to Dvir, who was carefully analysing it. From the corner of the eye, I can see a figure. A figure that by some consequences looked like Kim. She was in a strange pose I can't describe.

I went down, straight to the kitchen, to my favourite place of the entire hospital - the fridge. I grabbed the requested amount of ice creams and one extra for myself. I closed the fridge's door with my leg, because my hands were busy.

All of a sudden, I started to feel tired. Perhaps because I did not sleep last night?

I delivered the ice creams. I opened mine and ate it for no time.

I sat down behind the reception desk. I didn't feel when my eyes closed and fell asleep...

(Words count: 580)

AN to the chapter - I wanted to draw something for the chapter and for future ones too, but rn I can't, because: 1. i got signed for volleyball for every day, like wtf mom and 2. i have a major skill issue

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