Chapter 3: Caring

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Tonight, Nick, Matt, and Chris are going to a movie premiere and then a party. They're in their rooms getting ready and I'm in the kitchen putting away dishes- no one asked me to do it, but I already finished my other tasks and wanted something else to do. I see Matt coming out of his room wearing a black tank top, a black leather jacket, and black pants.

"Should I wear this? What did I wear last time?" Matt asks.

I pull out my phone and show Matt his outfit from the last premiere they went to. I have a whole folder dedicated to their outfits. He didn't wear this exact outfit, but he did wear all black. 

"So should I wear this?" he asks.

"Yeah, you look good," I say. I like it when they ask me for my opinion. Matt asks me for my opinion the most. He has great taste and good ideas; he just needs encouragement before making decisions.

"Thanks." He blushes.

"Are you going to wear a chain?" 

"Oh yeah." He hurries back to his room, and I continue putting away the dishes. Matt comes back holding two chains.

"Which one?" he asks, holding up a horse chain and a plain silver chain.

"The horse one."

He tries putting on the horse chain but struggles to get the clip to latch. "Can you help me, please?"

He hands me the chain. He's taller than me, but I can reach his neck without going on my tippy toes.

"Are you okay? You feel warm," I say as my fingers brush against his neck.

"Um, just nervous."

I put on his chain, and he turns around to face me. His cheeks are flushed. The back of my hand instinctively goes to his forehead before I have time to ask if this is okay. He feels hot.

"Do you want me to take your temperature?" My hand quickly retreats.

"No, it's fine. I can't miss this." He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, well if you start to feel sick later, I can pick you up if you want."

He nods with a slanted smile then goes back to his room to finish getting ready. When I'm doing work for them, sometimes it feels like we're just hanging out as friends but I'm their assistant first and foremost. I would like to hang out with them, but right now I make sure not to cross that boundary of hanging out for non-work-related things. I want them to take me seriously and be able to rely on me for things like picking them up from parties when they feel sick. I know I'm not their babysitter, but I like taking care of them, and I would want to do that as their assistant and as their friend.


It's 10:45 when Matt calls me to pick him up. I put a blanket, Gatorade, and a bag- just in case he needs to throw up- in my car and went to go get him.

"Thanks for picking me up," Matt says when he gets to my car. His eyelids look heavy, his skin is flushed, and his lips are pale.

"No problem." I look past him towards a crowd of people to see if Nick and Chris are coming, too.

"They wanna stay," Matt says, putting on his seatbelt.

When we get to his house, he slumps down on the couch and wraps himself in the blanket. I get the thermometer from the bathroom and take his temperature.

"101.2." I show him the screen. He lifts his head to look then falls back to the couch and pulls the blanket up to his chin.

"I hate being sick," he whines.

"If you take medicine and rest, you'll feel a lot better in the morning." I handed him the Gatorade and two ibuprofen. He takes the medicine and then lays back down. "Do you want to sleep in your bed or here?"

"Bed," he says but doesn't move. "I can't believe I'm missing the party."

"Did you really want to go?" I sit down on the couch by his feet.

"Kind of, but I don't like missing out."

"Yeah, I understand. I'm the same way but being sick is a good excuse for leaving." I look over at him and he nods. We sit in silence for a few minutes, and I know he doesn't have enough energy to change and go to bed. His eyes are already closed. "Hey, I'm gonna go. Do you want me to get you a pillow or put on a movie for you before I leave?"

"Um-wait." He quickly sits up. "Can you stay? Please?" His blue eyes meet mine. "I mean you don't have to stay here if you don't want to. I-I don't wanna get you sick-"

"I'll stay." I smile. He didn't say it, but I know he doesn't want to be alone. 

"Thanks. I'm gonna change. You can pick the movie." Matt walks to his bedroom. I know he's twenty years old and can take care of himself, but I don't want to leave him here alone either. I'm glad he asked me to stay.

After Matt brushed his teeth and changed into pajamas, he comes back to the living room with two pillows and another blanket. He gives me one of the pillows and blanket, then goes to his spot on the couch but this time lays his head closer to where I'm sitting. I put on Finding Nemo while I was waiting for him. It's something soothing that he can fall asleep to, and my mom used to put this on for me when I was sick. It made me feel better somehow.

"Does your throat hurt? Do you want me to make you tea?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Do you want a wet washcloth for your head?"

"No, thank you." He chuckles. I want him to feel better, and I also want something to do. I need to chill and let him sleep. I cover myself with the blanket but stay in a seated position. I don't know when Nick and Chris will get home. I want to stay awake for them.

Matt is shaking next to me. I pull the blanket up to his neck and rub his shoulder. I've learned that physical touch is one of his top love languages. If the situation was reversed, I wouldn't want anyone comforting me while I was sick- I'd just want to be left alone.

"Do you want kids?" Matt asks.

"That's random. Why?" I chuckle quietly. This kid is shaking next to me with a fever, he should be sound asleep. Why is he asking me if I want kids?

"I don't know. I think you'd make a good mom."

Good mom. I feel the heat in my chest travel to my cheeks. I can't take how serious this conversation feels. I want to lighten the mood.

"Because I'm old? I'm only four years older than you."

"No, no, no. I didn't mean- I meant that you take really good care of us." He laughs.

"I know. I'm kidding. Thank you." I laugh, too. "Uh, yeah. Maybe one day. Do you?"

"Yeah, one day."

A couple of minutes later, Matt is asleep. I admire how peaceful he looks and the way his hair falls over his forehead. Nick and Chris aren't back yet. I lay my head down on the pillow and watch the movie. 

I don't realize I'm sleeping until I hear Nick and Chris come home. I check my phone. It's almost 3 AM. I pretend I'm asleep because I don't have the energy to drive home. I hear them walk up the stairs and lower their voices when they see us. I can't see what they're doing, but I hear Chris say, "Aw, they're so cute."

And I fall back asleep.

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