Chapter 16: Saturday Night Chris' POV

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(Warning: There's a killing scene on the beach with mentions of blood. Skip past that part if you want to.)

I can't believe Malia thinks there are actually vampires on this island. She's acting crazy and not like her normal chill self.

"What the fuck was that?" Nick asks.

"She's probably just tired and stressed or something," Matt chimes in.

"Matt, you can't defend her insane story. If anything, she just showed us that we can't trust her judgment. Do you think we should-"

"No, we shouldn't fire her just because of this," Matt interrupts.

"Yeah, she's a good assistant," I add, which is true. 

"Let's give her a chance to cool off," Matt says, leading us out of the bathroom. Nick rolls his eyes.

"He wouldn't be defending her like this if he wasn't madly in love with her," Nick says under his breath. I punch his arm and give him a look before entering the dining area.

We spot Cassie, James, Louis, and Ray in the corner and join them. I know I told Malia about the roof incident when she asked if we noticed anything weird about this place, but I don't really care about what happened. Sure, it was weird, but I don't wanna read too much into it. I wanna have a good time.

"Hey, I missed you," Cassie says when I sit by her.

"I missed you, too. What've you been up to all day?"

"Nothing much. Just resting and getting ready for tonight." She smiles. We talk through dinner, and I see that nothing seems off between Louis and Nick either. It's almost as if the roof incident never happened, but to be safe I'm gonna keep them away from the roof tonight.

I've been hungry all day. The bagels tasted like cardboard, and I got a sharp pain in my stomach right before we left the villas. It feels better now and the steak tastes really good, but after dinner, I'm still hungry.

We head to the beach where they've set up a giant screen and projector for movie night. I'm not sure what movie it is, all I know is it seems old and it's moving way too slow for my attention span, but Cassie keeps me entertained.

The crowd died down after the movie ended. It's just us left on the beach and another group further down. The other group is playing music, not my taste of music but it's alright, and they've got a fire going, so we decide to make a fire, too. Cassie and I are sitting in a chair sharing a blanket, while Ray and James are working on getting the fire started in the firepit.

I like hanging out with this group, and I wish Malia was here with us, but I think it's better that she's not here. She'd probably spend the whole night watching them, waiting for them to do something "vampirey." They asked why she wasn't at dinner, and we said she wasn't feeling well, which isn't a total lie... anyone who thinks vampires are real must not be feeling well.

"Bro, their music is too damn loud," James says. I listen and it's gotten louder, but I hadn't noticed because I've been talking to Cassie.

"Yeah, let's play our own music," Ray says. "Anyone got a speaker?"

"I've got one. I'll be right back," Matt says, standing up and dusting the sand off of him.

"Ay, Matt for the win," James says, poking around the fire. Louis and Nick clap once the flames finally start to grow. They're so alike it's crazy.

As we wait for Matt to come back, the music from the other group is drowned out by their terrible singing. They're being loud and obnoxious. I think they're drunk, but it's not bothering me as much as it's bothering James and Ray. I'm just chilling, enjoying the moonlight in the sky and the roaring flames of the fire, but they keep saying they're gonna go over there and talk to them. It's weird how James did a one-eighty since we've been here. At first, I thought he was cool, and he was being sweet to Malia, but now he seems aggressive. Like calm down, bro, we don't own the beach let them do whatever they wanna do and don't start shit. I lean in closer to Cassie.

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