Chapter 7: Diligent

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My head feels better after the medicine and I breeze through getting ready, but I can tell this is going to be one of those times where the migraine will come back. Usually, it takes me a while to put on makeup and get my hair right because I get frustrated when it doesn't look perfect and then I start over, but everything is working in my favor tonight. I never wear a lot of makeup, so I'm always worried about it looking cakey, but I think I did a pretty good job. 

The little black dress I packed isn't shorter than my fingertips, it isn't too low-cut where I'm nervous about slipping out, and the back is exposed so I decide to put up my hair in a fancy updo. I put on black heels, grab my purse and James' jacket and I'm ready to go.

The boys aren't ready yet, so I sit on a bench outside of our villas and enjoy the view. The sky is in that perfect state between evening and night. The sun and moon are nowhere to be found but the sky is still bright enough where you can see clearly. This is an ideal summer night and I wonder what the island looks like in the winter. I pull out my phone and try to look up pictures of Santa Lyla, but there's no internet. Since I'm on my phone, I should probably text my mom and Laura saying we got here safely. I send a text and it immediately comes back with a red notification. There's no reception either. That's weird. Maybe it's just where we are right now. Maybe the lobby has better internet and reception.

As I'm searching the trees for telephone lines, I see the golf course. The map wasn't lying, it's super close to our villas. I stand to get a better view and my eyes follow the green all the way to the highest point on the course. There's a building towards the top with a light on in the window. It's too far for me to see anything else, but I swear as soon as I find the light in the window, it turns off. I'm startled by a hand grabbing my shoulder. It's Chris.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me." I put my hand on my chest and try to compose myself.

"Sorry." He laughs. "What are you doin'?"

"I was just waiting." I glanced back at the building and the light hadn't turned back on.

"The shuttle's here." Chris offers me his arm. "You look awesome by the way." I take his arm and we walk down the road.

"Thanks. You look awesome, too." I smile. We make it to the shuttle where Matt and Nick are already waiting.

"Absolutely glamorous," Nick says.

"Thanks." I blush. I'm used to seeing them wear nice clothes when they go to events, but I guess this is the first time they've seen me with makeup and a fancy dress. I usually wear jeans, a shirt, and sneakers. Sometimes I wear casual dresses when it's hot but nothing like this. I feel pretty but definitely out of my element. 

Matt stares at me for a brief second and my heart beats faster as I think he's going to compliment me too, but he doesn't say anything. He climbs into the shuttle, and we follow him. Chris helps me get on and then the driver starts the engine. It's a small shuttle and I'd describe it as a long golf cart with more seats. The wind sends shivers up my spine. I'm sitting closest to the driver.

"Are more people coming?" I ask. He turns slightly to me. He's older than me, but not by much, and looks like he's been through it. His beard is untamed, and he looks like he doesn't get any sleep. He has a scar above his eyebrow that goes around his eye and down to his cheekbone, like whatever cut him had miraculously missed his eye.

"You're the only guests on this side of the island," he says in a scruffy voice. I glance back at the boys to see if they heard, but they're on their phones- they're going to be disappointed when they find out about the reception. I turn back to the driver. His shirt is unbuttoned at the top and I can see a silver chain with a cross sticking out. I look closer and read his nametag, Jack.

"Has that ever happened before?"

"All the time," he says as he starts to drive. I feel weird being so far away from everyone else.

"How long have you been working here, Jack?" I scoot closer to him.

"Too long, Malia. Too long." He turns off of the road and onto the sand.

"How do you know my name?"

"I have a list of the guests. Malia, Matt, Nick, and Chris."

Gosh, his answers are short and strange. Here's an easy one; "Do you like it here?"

He laughs but doesn't answer my question. "You're different than the other guests that come to this island."

"Yeah, I guess I'm not rich." I laugh politely.

"No, it's because you're nice and you're talking to me. No one ever talks to me." He looks at me and I smile.

It's not a far drive, almost like I can walk it, but I'm glad I don't have to. The shuttle stops on the beach in front of a white tent that wasn't here before. We thank Jack and get off of the shuttle. The boys walk towards the tent. I stop to fix the strap on my shoe.

"Malia," Jack says and looks me dead in the eye. "Don't trust anybody."

"What?" I heard him but I'm wondering why he's telling me this.

"If someone hands you a drink; don't drink it. Don't. Trust. Anybody." 

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