Part II. Yes Girl

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Aurora's POV

I don't know why I do these things to myself. I always seem to end up in some predicament caused by my own idiocy.

It's not as if I don't know better.

I know that we live in a world where class is everything. And the fact of the matter is, in this life, you either matter, or you don't.

Simple as that.

If you're lucky enough to be born into the hierarchy, congratulations you privileged, silver blooded, pompous ass, you matter. You're important.

Not everyone has that luxury. Poor, red blooded commoners like me need to know our place, and stay in it. Because unlike them, we don't matter. Not really anyway. They see us as mere peasants.

See, I know exactly how this world works.

But I thought... I foolishly, so stupidly thought, that maybe things were changing. At least a little bit.

Things changed for me after all. Apparently I'm not as red blooded as I once thought. Well I am, of course. But a different type of red. They've begun a whole new classification for people like us. 'New bloods.' The biggest threat to the hierarchy. Born into the working class and plebs, living life as a red, but with all the power and abilities of a silver, and more. That's why they fear us. Well that, and the fact that the scarlet guard has managed to recruit just about all of them that you can find.

Well, maybe not all of them. I've heard plenty talk of it though. It's quite revolutionary.

I have a friend who's more well versed into this revolution than I am. Last we talked, she had seemed quite keen on joining in on the fun. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did it.

So now, I'm torn between cheering her on if she had, or mercilessly hoping that she hadn't. Because if she did... Let's just say, I shouldn't know about it. I shouldn't know about a lot of things. That's where my dilemma comes in.

Hopeless little me just couldn't help but draw the king of Norta's focus on me. Don't get me wrong, it's what I wanted. I just hate the way I got it.

It all started when I unnecessarily took my sweet time cleaning Maven's chambers.

Perhaps I was hoping to catch a glimpse of him for my daily dose of serotonin. Okay, I was fully planning on seeing him today.

But I've been working here for 2 years and he's never said more than two words to me. Despite my countless attempts to get his attention.

So imagine my surprise when today was the one day he happened to be in a talkative mood. You'd think I'd be over the moon by this.

And I was. At first. I was thrilled, naturally. And in all my excitement, laced with an equal amount of anxiety, I managed to get myself in quite the pickle.

"Answer me red! What do you know about the scarlet guard?" He demanded coldly.

And this is the pickle I'm referring to.

I supposed I should backtrack a bit. To our very first conversation. Well, our first real one that is.

*15 minutes ago*

I was just on my way out when I heard his all too familiar footsteps approaching.

"What are you still doing here little red?" Maven interrogates as the door creaked open.

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