My Language of Love (Acknowledgments)

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When I was thirteen, I wanted to be a feature writer for the press conference. Pero naging news writer and reporter for a Filipino radio broadcasting team for two years hahaha. Still, I started writing tons of essays and story drafts during my free time—for nothing.

Some of these entries were originally prompts for full-blown novels, but I realized along the way that I couldn't commit to it wholeheartedly due to personal reasons (i.e., schedules, gravity of plots). So I wrote them in short stories. And they piled up, and I had nowhere to place them.

Actually, some were excerpts for my future and ongoing novels.

Anyway, my sincerest gratitude to you for reading this collection! I took a looong break from writing because medicine is eating me up right now hahaha, but luckily, noong summer term, I had a few vacant schedules to fit in some time for writing the rest of the short stories included here.

Once again, thank you. Love isn't explicitly portrayed in this collection because the idea that haunted me a few months ago is what happens when we wake up one day and all the languages we know die? How would you speak of love?

So that's why no entry in this collection directly expresses love in the dialogues of "I love you" or "Mahal kita". And these entries portray the people who can still speak of love when language dies.

And I'd like to think that love breathes in all facets of life—in the face of hope, faith, grief, longing, and even in the vaguest, obscure emotion to be felt while living.

Language (in particular, its aspect of explicitly empty dialogue of love), should only be the last resort when all expressions of love fail. And for that, love should remain multifaceted and abstract. So that it won't sacrifice its essence for empiricism.

Because love, if spoken so earnestly, will not need a distinct language. It will seek a way to speak for itself.

Maybe I'd start Volume II months from now (after my first few shiftings in med). We'll see! Rest assured, new characters.

All my warm thanks as always!

Amidst all living (& dying) languages of love,





Copyright © 2023 by vastralust
All Rights Reserved.

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