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Day 1: camping

Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane and KosmoPairing: pidge and keith : kidgePost season 8/ canon AU

Keith was back on earth from a BOM mission, and, the first person he wanted to see was obviously Pidge. And he wanted more than just seeing her. He wanted to spend time with her. So after a long talk and many arguments, he finally got her to do one of the things he loved the most: camping!

( He has never done camping again since his father died. At least now, he could go with someone he really cared about.)

They arrived in the forest:

"Keith, I swear, if I die during the night because of my allergies or because an animal eat me, I'll kill you."

She said as they walked inside the forest.

He raised an eyebrow:

"You won't be able to kill me if you are dead.."

"Then I hope the animals eat you too."

He smirked at her and patted her head.

"Don't worry, the only thing that will kill you here is nothing because I think Kosmo will eat it before it eats you.... We took everything you need for allergies and for any beetle bites. You should be fine..."


She insisted on the word "should".

They kept walking in the forest because Keith was insisting on showing her a nice spot. She followed and complained about mosquito bites all along... Until they arrived In front of a huge lake in the middle of the forest. It looked perfect.


Pidge said, speechless.

"See? I told you it would be nice! Now come and help me get the camp ready."

She nodded and helped.

The night started to settle and the both had finished to establish their camp. They lit a fire and sat near it.

"Ooooo.... My muscles are dying...."

"Would you stop complaining and just enjoy the moment? Here, I brought marshmallows."

He handed the marshmallows to her and she grabbed them immediately.


Her eyes were lighting and he smiled at that sight.

"For marshmallows? Seriously?"


She looked like she had just discovered a new technology or other stuffs that Keith couldn't understand.. But no, she just had marshmallows and that was it.

Keith immediately thought that she was cute and blushed.... But then, Kosmo came and licked his cheek to take him off his thoughts.

Thanks buddy....

He thought to himself..

The night wore on, filled with laughter and multiple conversations... But it was getting late and the both of them were starting to get tired. Pidge rested her head on Keith's shoulder.

"See, you are still alive"

Keith said in a teasing tone.

"I am, yet."

She answered with her eyes closed and frowning.

Keith smiled at her.

"Thank you Keith for bringing me here. It's nice."

She said in a sigh.

His eyes softened when he saw her lean more on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around her.

"It IS very nice..."

A/N: sorry that was very short!! But the fics for the rest of the event are way longer!! Anyways, hope you liked it ! :3

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