road trip

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Day 3 : road trip

Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane, Hunk Garret, Lance Mcclain, Takashi/Shiro Shirogane, Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton SmythePairing: pidge and keith : kidgepost season 8/ canon AUtw: language

A/N: I wrote that one a long time ago and my english was pretty bad back then so im very sorry if some sentences seem weird ... Also, I know that how I wrote it looks like the fanfiction I wrote for the second day of the event but it's not on purpose lol. anyways, enjoy :)

(other a/n at the end)

-HAAAA , GLAD SUMMER FINALY ARRIVED !! PLUS , We finaly get to spend time together !

Lance said taking his suitcase in the van that the paladin's had borrowed for a road tripe .

-sure lance.... shiro is there air conditioning in the van ??... it's so hot in here ...

-yes hunk ... guys !! does every one packed their stufs in the van ??

Everyone noded .

-well , for us to not have any problems in the road , I made a plan of who is sitting next to who :

first , I'll be driving t'ill it's 6pm , so until 6pm , hunk will be next to me in the front place because he is capable of vomiting while im driving .. ever since only the front windows can be fully oppened , Hunk will have to stay on the front...

behind , keith , you'll be on the right sit and Lance in the left .

-HA NO SHIRO !! why did you had to put mullet next to me ?!

Lance frowned .

-don't worry , pidge will be in the middle . Ever since she is the smallest and also because if you two start fighting , she'll kill you both .. can I count on you Pidge ?

-I guess....

-good . Then , coran , you'll have the back place just for you . You'll be driving all night so , we need you to rest .

-Why does Coran get the best place ?! that's unfaire !

-Im the oldest ! if I sleep , all day , I need to be confortable .

-Alright , everyone , in the van , let's not get late .

everyone sighed and headed to the van .

They sat and the van engin started making noise .

-Keith , if you start annoying me , I'll use my special attack.

-You're the one annoying me... just don't talk to me ok ?

-first :keith . You don't want to see his special attack ever since it's a fart . One time , he killed a bug with his fart .. secondly , if you two fight , I'll rip your ass off . Understood ?

Pidge interupted not get her eyes off her nintendo .

The two guys sighed .

-What are you playing by the way ?

Lance asked pidge sidly looking at pidge . ( He was mad that he couldn't keep going on the argument .)

-Well . I am playing pokemon .

-Why did I even ask .. Can I try ?

Pidge thought a moment . If she let lance play with her nintendo , she is sure to not here them fight all day .


She handed her nintendo to Lance .

Pidge sighed and took her heaphones on to listen to some music . She closed her eyes to think .

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