scuba diving

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Day 4: scuba divingCharacters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane, "Texas Kogane"Pairing: pidge and keith : kidgemermaid AU

Keith was a curious and courageous young boy that was always out for adventures. This year, his father brought him to vacations for summer...

It has been a few houres since they arrived and for a beginning of vacations, it was very bad.

That's what Keith was thinking as he was looking at the ocean through the window ( the small house was in front of it) . That's how he had an idea:

"DAD! Can I go play in the water?"

His father turned to face his son.

"I can't come with you yet, that's not very safe for you to go alone, you know? Plus, the sun is going down... Maybe tomorrow."

Keith frowned and looked through the window again. He knew that no matter how he could try, his father would not allow him to go.

As he looked through the window, he was in his thoughts. But then, the water moved. a huge fish was swimming close to the surface.

"Dad! I think I just saw a huge fish!"

Keith excitedly shouted as he pointed the water.

"That's great, son!.."

His father answered as he was unpacking their suitcases. Not that he didn't care, but he just didn't had the time to take a look.

Keith frowned at his father's answere but hisemotions quickly changed. He WANTED to go to the water and he WANTED to see that huge creature that he saw coming so close to the surface.

He silently opened the window in front of him and passed through it.

Once he was outside, he ran to the beach and when he reached the sand, he slowed down a little like to not scare the creature he had seen.

He looked around. No one was at the beach... He had to be quick, the sun was almost gone and his father would notice that he is gone...

When he was in front of the water, he took a closer look.


it was his father.

Disappointed he took a rock and threw it in the water but when the rock finally touched the water, a noise that sounded like some one was moving in the water came from a nearby rock. Just like someone was hiding behind it and got scared when they heard the sound the pebble had made. Was someone spying on him behind that rock? He needed to know. He proceeded to walk toward it but a hand grabed his arm:

No need to tell you that he got scolded...

That same night, Keith kept thinking about it. Was someone there, lookig at him this whole time? That was scary, but his thoughts got cutted by sleep...

The next day, Keith and his father had planed to go scubadive, which Keith was happy about. He had now forgotten what had happened yesterday and was ready to go have fun today.

When they were done listening to the instructions from the guide, they headed in the water and swimed a short while because the water of that beach was getting profound very quickly. After a moment, they reached a coral reef.

They explored it, seeing many tropical fished and colored corals. But at some point, keith got annoyed and, as always, acted without really thinking twice. He started to swim away from the group... Too far from them... And he saw it again! that huge thing moving in the water! He started to follow it but when He tryed to swim, he saw that his oxygen bomb was now stuck in a coral... The coral had pierced it! He couldn't breath anymore!

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