Afterdeath - Yin and Yang

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What's this? An update after three years? Hell yeah, finally got past my block on this request and managed to write the bulk of it within like three days.

This request was from DaMoomin, a dear friend of mine that has long since left the fandom. However, the idea was cute and I wanted to do it, so I hope you all enjoy!


When Geno and Reaper first met, it was in daycare. Little Geno had thought Reaper to be clingy, childish, and overly dramatic. Little Reaper had thought Geno was a little angel. And so, the older of the pair made it his mission to befriend the standoffish little babybones, despite the other's repeated attempts to push him off. It didn't help that their parents encouraged the blooming friendship, which left Geno doomed in his attempts to avoid the other child.

But in time, Reaper wore down his stubborn defenses enough, and the two found they had a lot in common. Bad jokes, reading, people watching. There were plenty of activities that the pair found they enjoyed doing together, which led to them slowly becoming inseparable. The daycare staff even nicknamed them yin and yang due to their opposing colour schemes, and how opposite they appeared to be on the surface.

Geno's mother, CQ, absolutely adored the pair, not even attempting to hide how she squealed in delight the time they first came out of the daycare holding hands. This led to her becoming fast friends with Reaper's mother, Renrink. They would schedule playdates for the kids all the time, though more often than not they were at the CQ family home. There was simply more to do there, more games to play or more toys to mess around with, so that's where they often were.

His younger brothers had varying opinions on Reaper though; Error hated sharing in any sense of the word, so the middle child had never really liked having Reaper around to steal Geno away, whereas Fresh could care less and only wanted his older brother to be happy. Even as the three brothers grew up and made new friends, Reaper was almost like another brother that they came to accept, begrudgingly so in Error's case.

None of the skeleton children had what would be considered an easy childhood, each having their own battles to face. Between Fresh's lack of emotional development, Error's pixelation syndrome, and Geno's poor health, it was difficult for all of them. Yet CQ did her best to take care of all of them as best she could, taking care of Reaper as well to help out Renrink. At the very least, Geno and Reaper found comfort in each other through their various ordeals. The hooded skeleton was constantly visiting Geno in the hospital and entertaining him when he was on bed rest. And the scarfed skeleton was always there for his friend when he needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to about what was going on in his life.

Through their childhood issues, the two developed a sort of codependence on each other. When they were little, everyone thought it was cute that they were practically hinged at the hip. CQ even celebrated their close-knit friendship by bringing back their old nicknames from daycare in the form of necklaces. A yin and a yang necklace, the two halves of the symbol on separate chains yet designed to lock together with ease. And as much as both parents expected the pair to stick with their normal colour schemes, the two children decided to take the other's colour. "That way, we'll always be together!" Reaper had blurted out, arm thrown around his shy counterpart that hid in his scarf at the declaration. Their parents had taken photos of the moment, the both of them wearing their respective pendants for the first time. CQ had even printed the photo out, allowing it to hang in the living room for all guests to see him and his best friend being all cute together.

As the skeletons grew older, they had no shortage of fun memories and experiences together, growing closer through each one they experienced. One fall they went together to a harvest festival, picking out pumpkins to carve with their families, trying all sorts of strange foods, and playing games. Geno could easily recall how he'd cried at the fried pepper he'd eaten, how it had been too spicy, and Reaper had run to get them some ice cream that they could share to cool down. The taller had then dragged him over to a face paint booth, and despite his initial protest, it had been fun to get all painted up and pose for some goofy photos together. Once again, they were added to his mom's collection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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