Errink - A Fall from Grace

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Heed my warning, this is a story about rape!
To any of you sensitive to this topic, please do yourself a favour and turn away. That goes for any of you that do not like lemons as that's obviously what this story is.

Anyways, this idea was a request from PaulinaHikari. I hope that I didn't go overboard and make this darker than what you wanted, I originally was thinking of something a bit on the lighter side of the angst scale and then this just... sorta happened.

As a final note, while I have no issues reading and writing about rape (or the other kinks that made their way into here) the thing I do have a problem with is pro-rape comments. Yes some people are into being 'raped' by their partners, but there's usually safe words in place in case it gets to be too much. I can understand the appeal in this context only, so please no 'I want to be raped' style comments on this story. This was not meant to be a happy story, this was me exploring how mentally damaging rape can be to the victim.



Ink looked to the piece of paper in his hands, cursing the pride he had for being chosen for this task. As an angel it was his duty to guide pure souls to heaven upon their passing, and this collection was in theory no different from any other he'd undertaken before. But there were two very big details that made this particular task fill him with nervousness and dread.

The first was that this soul was incredibly special, such a pure and uncorrupted one that it was attracting both angels and demons. The archangel that had given him this task had stressed the importance of completing the collection as soon as possible to avoid demons getting to it first and corrupting it. It was always a tragedy when a soul so deserving of a seat within heaven fell from grace of no fault of their own, hence why most collections were completed as soon as possible.

Normally a soul of this caliber would be dangerous enough to collect on its own due to the high number of demons pursuing it, but right now was even worse. The air below heaven's beautiful white clouds was thick with darkness, screams and shrieks echoing far enough that even the angel could hear them from his current perch. It had come time for the demons of the world to mate and further their darkness, and the only prize more desirable than a pure mortal soul was an angel of heaven. The demons took such sadistic pleasure in enslaving and raping any angel either foolish or brave enough to enter the darkness, with many demons often killing each other just for a chance to claim an angel from another demon. For this reason most collections were only undertaken if deemed extremely important as the loss of one of their own was worse than the loss of the mortal soul, and even then it was typically only archangels, the strongest among them that would dare leave the safety of the pearly gates that held the darkness at bay.

For this reason Ink found himself hesitating, looking back to his iridescent wings and the world he loved in the process. The archangel Life had been the one to give him this task, pointing to those wings as she did. "Your wings grow more beautiful and colourful every day young Ink," she had told him with a smile, gesturing to her own that were a vibrant mixture of green and gold. "You know as well as any angel just what that means. The more colour your wings take on the more powerful you are, the closer you come to ascending to the status of archangel. We have been watching you for some time Ink, seeing your once white wings take on such a vibrant hue unlike anything we have seen in a long time. Your potential far exceeds my own and several of the others, you could one day become one of the most powerful among us. That is why we wish to test you with this most grave of tasks. As you know, only archangels are permitted to visit the mortal plane and collect the souls of the pure during these periods of darkness. If you are to become one of us and ascend to the title of archangel, then you must prove yourself strong enough to brave the darkness that swirls below us. Return to us with this mortal's soul as proof, and your power and virtue shall be recognized for all angels to see."

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