Kustard - A Trip Down Memory Lane

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So this request is a bit of an old one by Yuruwu_14, so old in fact that they told me they no longer ship Kustard. I really gotta get caught up on these requests...

Anyways, while I'm not crazy over Kustard myself, I managed to come up with a cute idea to fill this fluffy request a few months ago and only now managed to get around to it. So even if the original requester doesn't care about the ship that much, I liked the idea too much to let it die so here we are! Hope you enjoy!



Light filtered through the edges of the blackout curtains hung in a disheveled bedroom, shedding barely any light onto the messy surroundings. More light seemed to emanate from the red eyes of one of the skeletons currently awake in the room, casting a soft red glow on the sleeping figure beside him. Fell knew that Classic wouldn't be woken so easily when he was sound asleep like this, meaning that his plan could be set up without a hitch. He'd waited so long to put everything into motion, passing up day after day whether due to bad weather or his boyfriend's horrible nightmares that would leave him tossing and turning restlessly throughout the night. But for once everything was peaceful and the sun was out, and while he'd much rather still be asleep and spooning the other skeleton, he regrettably had to get up if he wanted everything to turn out just as he'd imagined.

"Today will be the day," he whispered to himself for some encouragement, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on Classic's brow before pulling himself from their oversized bed. Using the minimal light filtering in the window to light his path, Fell navigated the many piles on the floor, stepping out of the bedroom as soundlessly as possible. Once he was out, the skeleton wasted no time as he grabbed his keys and backpack, leaving a note he'd specially prepared taped to the first thing he knew Classic would check upon waking up; the fridge, specifically the bottle of ketchup inside it. "See ya later sweetheart," he called to the otherwise silent apartment they shared, heading out with a huge smile on his face and everything needed to put his plan into motion. Today will be the day.


Classic eventually managed to pull his sockets open, lazily glancing at the nearby alarm clock that was never really used for its alarm. "12:03... yep, that was a good night's sleep," he chuckled while half asleep, rubbing at his eyes as he turned over to cuddle with his boyfriend. "Morning Fell... Fell?" It took him a minute before he realized that the edgy skeleton was already gone, long gone from the feel of it considering that his side of the bed was cold. It wasn't like him to get up early, especially when neither of them had anything planned for the day.

His first thought was that maybe the other skeleton had wandered off to the kitchen for some leftover takeout, Classic managing to pull himself out of bed and shuffle to the other side of the apartment only to see no sign of his boyfriend. "Fell? You in here babe?" He called, finding it weird that he got no answer. Maybe Fell left to pick up a takeout order? Shrugging his shoulders, the smaller skeleton simply figured that he might as well grab himself a drink while he was in the kitchen, throwing the fridge door open only to see something taped to his current bottle of ketchup.

Upon further inspection it was a note, one bearing Fell's distinctively sharp handwriting. Honestly, he'd never known that handwriting could ever be described as sharp until he'd met Fell, but with the harsh angles and the points he somehow worked into even the round letters, he couldn't think of a more fitting word to describe his boyfriend's way of writing. Classic pulled the note off as he took a drink, wandering the kitchen as he read over the unconventional message the taller had left. His first thought was why he didn't just send a text, but as he looked over everything it was quickly becoming clear to him what was going on.

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