Afterdeath - The Cuddle Bug

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Alright, first request done! This one comes from Jeno_ProductionsYT

I know you said fluff with a bit of angst... buuut if the length is any indication I kinda got carried away XD
There's a bit more angst in here than I was initially intending but I think I managed to bury it in fluff by the end so I hope you don't mind :)



The small apartment was quiet, with one occupant off to work and the other still sleeping. Yet the peace was quickly disturbed when a glitched skeleton opened his good eye to check the time, only to practically fling himself out of bed screaming. "Shit, shit, shit! How the hell did I sleep so late?! I was supposed to make Reaper breakfast before he left for work!" His partner had of course left hours ago, leaving Geno to wonder why the god hadn't woken him.

Still in his pajamas, Geno raced down the hall to the kitchen, looking in each room for that familiar cocky skeleton as he passed. Despite the fact that his mind knew his boyfriend was long gone, he still felt this overwhelming urge to check their apartment for him. While it wasn't much, it certainly beat living in the save screen. Though it was either this or the save screen since Geno wasn't a god and wasn't able to live in Reapertale. So, the god of death had willingly abandoned his home and opted to move to the mortal realm, just to be with Geno. Just one thing on a very long list that Reaper had given up for him.

It were these little things that ate away at the glitched skeleton, reminding him of how pathetic he was for dragging a literal god down to his low level. Each day they chipped away at him from the inside, increasing the pain he felt until it would feel as if it were about to burst. Thankfully, Reaper had always managed to come home before those feelings reached the edge, always sweeping the broken glitch into his arms as they spent the bulk of the night cuddling. While Geno used to find the god's clingy nature annoying, over time he found himself almost as bad if not worse than Reaper, loving how warm and relaxed his partner could somehow make him feel despite everything. And that embrace always served to chase the dark storm within him away, at least for a little while.

Geno was terrified for the day when that storm would come crashing down around him. Reaper wouldn't there to chase it away in time, and would come home and see that which Geno had tried so desperately to hide. The glitch never wanted that to happen, as it would only cause his loving boyfriend to worry about him even more. No, Geno didn't want to be any more of a burden than he already was. He would continue to hide his pain, no matter how much it hurt, and continue to greet Reaper every day with a warm smile and open arms.

As he entered the kitchen, Geno's eyes finally saw what his mind had already known to be true; Reaper had already left for work. Sighing, the glitched skeleton shuffled to the fridge, deciding that since he was here he might as well eat something. When he opened the fridge door however, he wasn't expecting the plate of scrambled eggs sitting there, or the note attached to them. Geno pulled the eggs out and threw them in the microwave while he read the note, or notes, as several of the sticky notes had been stuck together when room on one ran out.

"Good morning sweetheart, hope you slept well. You were so cute this morning that I couldn't bring myself to wake you. I know you haven't been getting as much sleep lately, so I figured I could make breakfast for myself for once and let you rest. It... went about as well as you might think, haha. Luckily I didn't burn down the house and managed to make enough eggs so that you'd have some when you woke up. Be careful though, I'm pretty sure there was some eggshell in mine... I'm a mess in the kitchen, aren't I? Guess I've gotten lazy since you always cook for me, then again, you're cooking is amazing~ Wow this note got long, um... hope you can enjoy the eggs sweetie, I'll see you when I get home! Love, the totally amazing and super sexy god of death, aka Reaper"

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