
341 14 9

TW: Kidnapping

It's easy to say I didn't get much sleep last night after those chilling messages. I tossed and turned on my blow up mattress, hundreds of questions buzzing around in my brain.

"Who's sending me these cryptic messages? What do they mean? How did they even get my number? How did they know when I got to the house? And why did they call me 'Neighbor?' Do they live in one of the houses next door!?"

My anxiety had me checking the locks on the doors every few minutes. And for an extra safety measure, I had hung up a few sheets and blankets I brought in front of the windows, since my curtains were still being delivered.

Speaking of, the moving truck should be getting here soon. Since it took me so long to fall asleep, I ended up waking up later than I had planned, making me lose track of time.

Pushing down any anxiety from last night, I managed to pull myself off the somehow already deflated mattress and get dressed for the day. Nothing too fancy, just enough to keep me both comfortable and motivated.

Realizing I had no food, and not wanting to go shopping yet in case the truck got here while I was gone, I placed a delivery order for the closest coffee place for ((insert favorite drink/breakfast item))

About half an hour goes by before my food arrives, thankfully before the truck. I'm going to need as much energy as I can get bringing all those heavy boxes in by myself.

Another hour goes by and there's still no sign of the moving truck, so I decide to start organizing some of the clothes I had packed in my suitcase to kill time. It would have to be done eventually anyway.

Yet another hour passes and my mind begins racing, anxiety rising by the second. "Did they go to the wrong address? Did they crash!?" I can't help but pace up and down the new, empty hall, glancing out the window every now and then, hoping to see the truck in the driveway.

But there never was.

My phone began ringing from the other room, making me jump. My body moved quicker than I could think as I ran to grab it, ignoring the fact the person calling wasn't in my contacts and hoping it was the moving company calling to let me know what's going on.


There was slight static on the other end. Whoever it was sounded very out of breath, their breathing heavy in the mic.

"Is that really you?"

On instinct, my head whipped around to observe my surroundings, fearing whoever this was was the person that sent me that weird message last night.

I tried taking mental notes on what their voice sounded like, just in case it was someone I knew pulling a prank on me. The voice was way too deep to be a female. It was also pretty scratchy, but that might have been from all the static on the other end. I wouldn't be surprised if they called me from a toaster.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to hide the fear seeping into me.

The person on the other end sighed "You don't recognize..." They trailed off "Not enough time to explain. Follow these directions if you want to know the truth."

I blinked in confusion "The truth...?"

"Don't you want to know who I am? Why you can't remember a rather important year of your life?"

My heart dropped to my stomach. I pressed my back to the wall, eyes continuously scanning the area around me as my fight or flight instincts started kicking in. "How the hell.." My voice shook under my breath before raising a few octaves "Who the hell are you? How do you know all-"

mysotis ((wally darling x reader))Where stories live. Discover now