She hears you sing for the first time

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You sat on your bed, strumming your guitar absentmindedly as you hummed a tune you had been playing around with. It was just another quiet evening in your cozy room, the soft glow of the fairy lights casting a warm ambiance.

You chuckled to yourself as you messed up a few notes, before continuing to sing.

Unbeknownst to you, the door to your room was slightly ajar, and the gentle melody of your voice carried down the hallway to where Taylor was reading in another room. Taylor's curiosity was piqued by the sweet notes that reached her ears. Setting her book aside, she followed the sound, her steps guided by the melody of your guitar and the soft hums of your voice.

As Taylor approached the door to your shared bedroom, she paused, leaning against the doorframe to listen. Your voice, soft and unguarded, filled the air, weaving a spell-binding tapestry of emotions. Taylor found herself captivated, her heart swaying with the rhythm of the song.

Taylor didn't recognise the song and the more she listened she realised that you had written this yourself. She smiled to herself, happy that you two could share another passion for something.

Your fingers danced over the strings, each note tinged with a quiet vulnerability that resonated deeply with Taylor. It was as if your voice carried a hidden world of feelings, gently unraveling as the song unfolded. Taylors admiration grew with every passing moment and she placed her palm against the door, gently pushing it open so she could hear it clearer.

As your voice faded and the guitar strumming stopped, Taylor pushed the door open all the way and stepped into the room, her presence causing you to look up in surprise.

"Oh I didn't mean to startle you", Taylor said, her voice warm and genuine. "I was just down the hall and I couldn't help but listen. You have an incredible voice."

Your cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. "Oh, thank you. I had no idea you could hear me."

Taylor chuckled softly. "Well you've definitely got a gift. Your singing is really something special".

Your heart raced as you absorbed her words. This was beyond anything you had ever imagined, and especially coming from Taylor who, in your mind, had the best voice in the world, this meant everything. "Wow, coming from you that means the world Taylor".

Taylors smile was encouraging as her eyes fell to the book that was open in front of you. "Is this your song book?", she asked, her voice full of enthusiasm.

You grew shy as you reached out a hand to shut it, but Taylor stopped you and opened it back up, tilting her head to read it. Her eyes scanned over the lyrics and chord progressions you had scribbled down, and you watched her face trying to see her reaction to the song you had written about her.

After a few minutes, she looked back up at you, her eyes filled with happy tears and a loving smile on her face. You smiled back and set your guitar aside so that you could embrace Taylor.

"oh my god Y/N that's beautiful", she whispered into your shoulder.

"A beautiful song for a beautiful woman", you whispered back.

Taylor pulled away from the hug and locked eyes with you, her hand cupping your cheek and her thumb gently brushing across your skin. Without a word she leant in and gave you a gentle but loving kiss. You kissed her back, wrapping your arms around her waist, treasuring this moment.

When you both pulled away for air she leant her forehead against yours and you both stayed like that for a while before Taylor opened her mouth to speak again. "How would you feel if we wrote a couple songs together. They could go on my next album. You don't have to if you don't want to but I don't know. Would you be up to that?"

Your mouth opened in shock before transforming into a smile that made Taylor smile with you. "I would love nothing more!"

You both squealed excitedly before she pulled you in for another hug, resting her head on your shoulder, her breath blowing gently over you neck. You smiled to yourself, wondering how you managed to get so lucky.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now