She knits you something

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Taylor sat cross-legged on her cozy couch, a bundle of soft, colourful yarn in her lap. Her nimble fingers worked diligently, moving the needles in a rhythmic dance that seemed almost second nature to her. The soothing clink of the needles provided a soothing background to the comforting melody of the crackling fireplace.

You had left for a work a couple hours ago. Being a kindergarten teacher brought you a lot of stress sometimes and because Taylor had a couple days off from the studio she thought she'd make you something.

Her mind was focused, but her thoughts drifted to you, her special someone. You had been an unwavering support in her life, standing by her through thick and thin. Taylor wanted to show her appreciation in a unique and heartfelt way, and that's how the idea of knitting came about.

The yarn she was using was a mix of warm shades - deep blues, rich purples and soft pinks. Each colour represented a different facet of your relationship - the depth of your connection, the vibrancy of your adventures and the gentle tenderness of your moments together. Plus, it was the bisexual flag which was an extra bonus.

As the scarf took shape, Taylor couldn't help but smile at the symbolism woven into each stitch. The memories flooded back as she continued to knit. She recalled the late-night conversations, the laughter shared over cups of coffee and the way your eyes lit up whenever she returned home from the studio. Taylors heart swelled with gratitude for having you in her life, and she poured all that emotion into every loop of yarn.

Hours turned into days as she worked tirelessly on the surprise. She meticulously crafted each stitch, pouring her heart and soul into the project. As she scarf grew in length, so did Taylors anticipation. She imagined the look on your face when you received such a thoughtful gift, and the thought alone was enough to keep her motivated.

Finally, after days of dedication, the scarf was complete. Taylor held it up, admiring the intricate patterns and the blend of colours that told the story of their love. It was a work of art, a labour of love that transcended mere fabric. With a satisfied smile, she carefully folded the scarf and placed it in a beautifully wrapped box.

At 4pm you arrived home from work, sighing as you walked through the door. Taylors heart raced as she watched you kick your shoes off. You stood up straight and caught Taylors eye. Your once tired expression now a wide smile that made you eyes sparkle. 

Taylor took the box from behind her back and held it out towards you, excitement bubbling beneath her calm exterior. Your eyes widened in surprise as you took the gift, your fingers tracing the soft fabric of the decorated box.

"Open it", Taylor encouraged, her voice filled with with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

With a curious smile, you carefully unwrapped the box. Your gasp as you saw the scarf was a melody the warmed Taylors heart. You pulled the scarf out of the box, your eyes brimming with tears. "Taylor, this is...this is incredible", you whispered, your voice laced with emotion.

Taylor couldn't contain her grin, relief flooding over her. "I wanted to create something that represented us, all the moments we've shared and the colours of our relationship".

You wrapped the scarf around your neck, the fabric cocooning them in warmth. "It's perfect. I can feel the love in every stitch".

As you embraced, Taylor felt a profound sense of contentment. The scarf wasn't just a gift; it was a tangible reminder of their journey together. In that moment, sitting by the fireplace, you were both surrounded by the coziness of your bond and the beauty of the love you had nurtured.

And as the fire crackled and the wind rustled outside, you and Taylor shared a quiet moment that needed no words. The scarf draped over your shoulders was a testament to your connection, a symbol of the love that was as intricate and enduring as the patterns in the fabric.

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