Chapter Five

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Blair smiled uncomfortably, "Ah—I'm not exactly comfortable with that. I'd rather earn my own money."

    "Odd, I recall you and Sebastian spending my money all the time on Butterbeer and items from Zonko's Joke Shop." Ominis reflected with a raised eyebrow.

    She nudged him, "That was different."


    "Because even when we tried to pay, you would shoo us away saying something about hoping your family goes broke, since they don't know how to function normally."

    Ominis turned his head, but she clearly saw his smirk. "Whatever you say, Blair."

    Hermione clapped her hands together, which Blair noticed she did whenever she was excited, "Leave the school supplies to the guys. Ron's particularly good at finding a bargain and Harry will keep him company. Ominis you can go with them too—I'll bring Blair to Gladrags, and we can pick out a few pieces of modern clothing."

    She wrinkled her nose at the thought, "Joy."

A Ray of Sunshine

    Ominis looked less than thrilled, but followed the wizards over to Scrivenshaft's Quill shop. She at least trusted Ominis to know what kind of feather she'd prefer. If it was left to Ron, he'd probably get her an Augurey feather which was known to repel ink.

    "I have a question I've been dying to ask and I'm warning you now that it's me being nosy, so please tell me to bugger off if it's too personal." Hermione grimaced, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

    Entering the store, they greeted the shopkeeper easily, but Ansel was dressed in pants and a sweater, listening to a box that spouted horrid music, and barely paid attention to them. Blair sighed inwardly as she'd rather have had Augustus yell at her about socks as soon as the door opened.

    She followed the witch over to the female clothing section. "Go on..."

    "Are you and Ominis boyfriend and girlfriend?" Seeing her confused look, she amended, "Are you...Courting? Lovers?"

    Blair laughed easily, "Lovers? Absolutely not. Yesterday I was involved with his best friend, Sebastian. I guess I'm no longer involved what with being sent 100 years into the future, but I'm still very much enamored with Sebastian. Ominis also doesn't feel that way about me. In fact, we could barely stand each other in our time. I'm sure he wishes that he got stuck with anyone else."

    "Tell me about Sebastian. That is—if you want. I'm sorry that was insensitive, wasn't it?"

    "Not really." The words came easily, but hurt if she thought about him too much. "I met Sebastian in our Defense Against the Dark Arts class—during a duel which I won. We spent a lot of time together during the school year and he helped me a lot. I met Ominis because him and Sebastian are very close friends. Were close. He was very handsome with freckles and an infectious laugh. He was so sarcastic and loved to read which I adored. I would play the piano sometimes while he read and Ominis would take a nap. There was one time we managed to draw whiskers on his face without him waking up." Now she sighed heavily. "I miss him. A lot."

    Hermione smiled, "He loved to read?"

    "His parents were Professors before they died," She smiled brightly, "You could give him the most boring book on Fwoopers and he'd still read it front to back. It didn't matter, he loved to learn."

    "He sounds wonderful. Ron barely knows how to spell his own name. He uses a spell-check quill if you can believe it. Whenever it wears off, he starts spelling his name like Roonil Wazlib."

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