Chapter Twenty Six

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Blair leaned her head against his shoulder, soaking in his presence. She was wrong earlier. She never needed to be alone even from Ominis. He always tried to understand her perspective before passing any sort of judgement.

"Please stay." She whispered, looking down at the pocket watch in her hands.

Ominis said nothing, but kissed the top of her head, and wrapped an arm around her. He stayed with her implicitly, giving her the support she needed without having to say anything. Blair had no more tears to shed, but she wanted to watch the sunset and think about her friends. Torn between the good memories and grieving the losses. Then she remember his words and decided on both.

It's okay to be sad.

A Fateful Encounter

Being the end of November, it was already cold during the day. Once the sun was set, even with a heating charm; it was frigid. They decided to walk back and she grabbed the egg in her right hand even though it felt like ice from the environmental temperature. With her left hand free, Ominis intertwined their fingers together as they walked.

Blair kept her voice low under the cover over night, "Krum approached me." She felt him squeeze her hand lightly, acknowledging what she said. He was after all, leading her in the dark since she could barely make out anything until they got closer to the schoolhouse. "He told me to bathe with the egg."

"Bathe with the egg? And do what? Give it a good scrubbing?" He hissed sarcastically.

She shrugged, "He said he dropped it in the water and figured out the clue."

Ominis pondered this as they started walking up the trail that would lead them to the garden, "Water is denser than air. Sound waves travel at roughly four times faster underwater as well. Perhaps the screeching noise is actually someone speaking. And the reason it's irritatingly ear-piercing is due to being able to hear the higher frequencies more clearly underwater."

The dark haired witch stopped in her tracks, gazing at her lover stunned. Confusion swam in his face, feeling her stop. "When were you going to tell me, you're brilliant?"

A smile played on his lips, "Sunshine, some people actually attend class rather than trying to find missing pages in a diary or meeting goblins outside mines."

"Hey, Lodgok tried to do the right thing at the end." Blair said defensively, seeing the garden finally in view with the Quidditch stadium in the far back field. "I suppose someone had to be smart or else Sebastian and I wouldn't have had anyone to copy homework off of."

Ominis let out a short, surprising laugh. "I only allowed you to copy my notes. Sebastian had to figure it out."

She smiled wryly, "You bullied him a lot."

"He bullied me. The first time we ever met, he wasn't convinced that I wasn't blind. So for the next week, he placed random obstacles in the way. It wasn't until he hid my wand and covered entire common area floor with the freezing charm and banana peels that I slipped, and he was then convinced."

Blair laughed at the ridiculousness of it. "Sebastian? Did that?"

"How are you surprised? This is the same wizard who thought as a first year, redecorating the potions classroom was a great idea. The stone walls were painted white, there were frilly pink laces tablecloth everywhere—or at least that's what Garreth said. Instead of the herbal scent, I could only smell something sickly sweet. Imelda said there were pastel tulips and roses everywhere."

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