Cerise Hood x Reader

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3rd person POV The clouds soared above the land that is Ever After

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3rd person POV
The clouds soared above the land that is Ever After. Free from any obstacles or restrictions of life. The birds and dragons could reach the highest peaks of freedom. Of peace. That's what the next Captain Hook wanted. To soar with those clouds. Not having to abide by one's destiny, and no parents to hold her back. Being one with the sky was all that Y/N ever wanted. Living in the sky was practically all the girl could ever dream about. Sure the water was fun, but the sky offered so much more than whatever the water kept hidden. The girl would take a small sailboat and have her fairy friend help her boat to fly above the waters below.

That air. That fresh taste of the wind. The currents of the winds. How soft the clouds against her skin. The feeling of peace it gave Y/N made her never want to leave. The freedom she would have as soon as she left the bloody island. The stupid, bloody island that kept her from leaving to go to the Mainland, or going any father from the reefs.

The second star to the right and straight on 'til morning led to the Mainland as anyone would tell you that about Neverland. However, the first star on the left, was always a mystery and never really given attention. That's what Y/N was now striving for. If that star lead anywhere else; she would be the first to find out. If there was anything more she wanted, other than to live in the sky, it was to get away from Neverland. Her father was clinically insane as he became obsessed with Peter Pan. A boy who never grew up, and still stayed the same after over 400 years. Requiring lost boys and a green fairy. Y/N's fairy friend was a bit different. Zarina, the pixie dust alchemist, would often listen to Y/N's admiration for the sky, and wanting to be the fairy would could fly. Only Y/N wanted it to be permanent. Zarina would become just as fascinated with the left star as much as Y/N. The human girl preparing to one day to try and test out this theory. That day, would be today.

"All set, Zarina. Ready for take off." Y/N told her friend as she readied the sails and checks on the supplies she would take with her. "Alright, now remember: this new pixie dust should last you for the trip to and from the star. If this experiment doesn't work, and you run out of pixie dust. Land in the water and try to make it back to shore." Zarina explained to her human friend as she carefully held up a large bag of pixie dust above the sailboat. "Got it. Ready when you are." Y/N agreed before lifting up her thumb towards the fairy. On cue, Zarina lets go of the bag and a candy red colored pixie dust spilled all over the ship. Slowly the ship began to rise from the water, with Zarina's purple pixie dust, Y/N was able to have the ship moving. Y/N grinned proudly as she stirred the ship towards the left star.

The wind never felt more friendly and familiar to the girl as her boat rose higher towards the star. Her (H/C) hair flowing away from her face and crisp air hit her nose. "First Star On the Left, and Straight on 'Til Dusk." Y/N said aloud to herself, making it her own catchphrase since Peter Pan had his.

The closer the girl got to the star. The more uneasy she felt about trying to travel through it. Y/N had come too far to turn back and enjoy a ride through the clouds like old times. Now was a chance for discovery.

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