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I have to get to Gabriel. I have to get there fast. Those sentences were the only thing could around in my mind at the moment. It hadn't even been that long since we separated, just two mere days. But I was already dying to see him. So many things had been going around in my mind for these past two days, so many emotions. Knowing that I'd get to see Gabriel again was the only thing which had kept me going. /If/ he made it. What if Gabriel never made it back to the base camp? Never made it back alive? I knew I couldn't think like that, but I couldn't help it. And if the hunters had him... I wouldn't know what to do. That was the worst case scenario, of course. There was a small possibility of that scenario being reality, but I knew that Gabriel could handle himself. He always had. He had to be okay.

The last time we got separated, he never showed up to our meeting place. I can't even explain how worried I'd been. I had been 100 % sure that the hunter had caught him to tortured him for information, or gotten killed. I did not want to feel that kind of worry again, or the depression which followed.

It wasn't that far left now. In about five minutes, I would reach the cave. And hopefully, Gabriel would be there waiting for me. I ran the last couple of meters, hoping to reach the cave faster. Running felt good, it took away some of the worry I had consumed during these two days apart.


When I saw him, standing there, alive, all of my worries washed away. I was certain that anyone could see the relief on my face, since it was so obvious. When he noticed me, a wide grin instantly spread across his lips. I threw my arms around his neck and allowed myself to be vulnerable in his embrace as he wrapped his own arms tightly around my frame.

"It's good to see you again." As he spoke, I could hear that he was rather relived, too. I guess we both were as relived to finally be in each other's company again. My racing heartbeat was slowly calming down. Burying my face in the crook of his neck, I inhaled the familiar and calming scent of his cologne. It felt like home. Gabriel was my home.

"It's good to see you, too. I was afraid you wouldn't show up, again." I slightly pulled away from his embrace so that I could look into his gleaming eyes. I was still not used to seeing the blackness in his eyes, the blackness which came with being a black witch. But I had quickly grown used to it.

"Do you really think I would let those ass hunters get to me? Come on, Nathan. You know me better than that." A low chuckle left his lips and I could hear the amusement laced in his voice. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Oh shut up. You know I'm only worried about you." And I was. I was always worried for him whenever he wasn't around. The threat coming from the hunters was constant, and it was rapidly increasing.

"It's not me you should be worried about, Nathan. /You/ are the one of us who's in the most danger. If the hunters get to you... I don't even want to imagine the horrible things they'd do to you. But I won't let them. Not ever." His tone was soft, and he raised his hand to softly caress the skin of my cheek. It felt good, having him so close. I knew that he worried about me, and I knew that the hunters would go to any extent in order to find me. That they wanted me more than they wanted Gabriel. But despite this, I couldn't help but worry about his safety more. To put his safety in front of mine. I guess that's what you do when you love someone. When you truly love someone.

"I know you won't." I let a soft smile claim my lips as I spoke. He was perfection, and I did not know how I ever deserved a friend like this. Like Gabriel. I didn't think as I leaned in to press my lips against his. It had been awhile since our lips last had touched. But those times were nothing like this. I had still been blinded with the feelings I had for Annalise. But with her gone, I could finally see clearly. And what I saw was Gabriel.

Gabriel responded just as eagerly to my kiss, which I knew he would. As our lips slowly moved together, everything else was forgotten. Annalise, the hunters, my father. Everything. All that existed was me and Gabriel, with our lips moving together in the center.

As I pulled away, my heart was racing once again. But not for the same reason. Before, it had been because of the fear and worry I had been feeling. Now, it was because of the love I felt. The love I felt for Gabriel. I loved him, I did. And I had to tell him. With my breath taken away, and with the softest smile curving my lips, I finally spoke.

"I love you."

Runaways (Nabriel fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora