Chapter 1: Let's run away

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"I love you." 

Those were the words I had spoken to Gabriel last night. I had actually said it. I'd been afraid to say those words for so long, but yesterday I finally had the guts to come clean. I think Gabriel has been aware of me loving him for a long time, but I still believe he appreciated to actually hear it coming from me. 

"I love you, too, Nathan. You know I do. I always will." That had been Gabriel's response. And I can't say how happy those words had made me, too. And after that, our lips had once again met in yet another amazing kiss, and more kissing had followed, and more.. and some more.. Eventually, we had ended up on the cave floor, tangled up into each other's arms. Our clothes had gone quite quickly, and the feeling of my skin against his must be what heaven feels like. Gabriel's hand was softly caressing the skin of my back as I trailed kisses down his bare chest. We continued like that for a long time, making lots of love with each other. The sexy, sweaty and passionate kind of love. That evening, he became me and I became him. Together, we became one.

Afterwards, we had laid on the floor of the cave, still tanged up into each other's arms. Although more sweaty than we had been prior to our passionate activities. But I can't say that I was complaining. People who thought that Gabriel was a good lover, was definitely correct. Gabriel was whispering soft murmurs into my ear, telling me how much he had waited for this moment, how much he loved me and how much he would always love me. And I absolutely loved being in his arms, and the security they provided. I could probably stay like this forever.

After awhile, the conversation moved into another topic. A topic which was going to change a lot for me, and for Gabriel. Our lives were about to change quite drastically. 

Gabriel turned his head, still keeping his arms locked around me as he gazed into my eyes with his. 

"Nathan.. What would you say if I said that I wanted to get away from here? Get away from everything? With you?"

I was quite shocked by his question. He wanted to leave? Now? We were in the middle of a war, a war which I was the centre of, and he wanted to leave? I remained quiet for a moment while thinking over how I would answer his question. Was there even an answer?

"You.. You want to leave? How would that even work? The Alliance expects me to help them defeat Soul, what would they do if I left?"

A soft smile curved his lips at my response. He had probably guessed that I would be doubtful about his suggestion, but that didn't mean he was willing to give up. 

"The Alliance might need you, yes. But.. I need you, too, Nathan. If you stay with the Alliance, keep fighting against this cause, I'm afraid I will lose you in the process. You're only one person, and you can only do that much. The Alliance can fend for themselves, they will be alright. They can defeat Soul and his men on their own. You can stay, if you want. And if that's your decision, I will stay with you, as always. But you need to think about what you need, Nathan, and not what the Alliance needs. That should be what determines your decision. And when you think about it, do you really need to fight in this war? Is it really worth it?"

I could see in his eyes that we was being serious about this. Was he really that afraid of losing me? Was it really a possibility that this war in fact could kill me? Even if I wanted to help the Alliance, being killed in the process was not something that I was planning. This war had taken my father from me, and if I died, that meant losing Gabriel, too. And losing Gabriel was not something I was ready for. I needed him in my life, just as much as he needed me in his. And I knew that he would be devastated if this war did eventually kill me.  Maybe I was taking too big a risk, maybe Gabriel was right. 

"But.. Where would we possibly go? I can't image there being any place on earth where the hunters wouldn't eventually find us. And I know Jessica will never stop looking for me. We would always be on the run"

"Then we will keep running, and never let them catch us." He said it with a shrug of his shoulders.

It sounded so simple, and so perfect. But could it really be that simple? It probably wasn't. After all, nothing was simple, but it could be worth a try. 

Hesitantly, I lowered my head into a small nod. 

"Maybe it's worth a shot.. Maybe we could actually manage to stay away from the hunters, from Jessica, from Soul and from.. All this." I gestured my hands around me to make the point.

Gabriel's eyes instantly lit up at my response, and a big smile appeared on his lips. 

"Really? You're really agreeing to this? To run away?"

A low laughter left my lips as I once again lowered my head into a small nod.

"Seems like I am, yes. But.. Are you really willing to give up your old life here? We would have to leave everything behind." 

At that, Gabriel leaned forward to press his lips closely against my own, and I let out a low hum of satisfaction at the feel of his lips against mine. When the kiss was over, Gabriel leaned back, putting a soft hand upon my cheek while keeping his eyes on mine.

"All I want is you. Your touch, your smile, that's all I need." 

His words really did touch me, and I was amazed over how much he was willing to sacrifice for me. How much we were willing to sacrifice for each other. I stayed quiet for a second, just wanting to live in the moment and cherish it while it lasted.

"So, where do you want to go? We could go anywhere you like." 

I tilted my head slightly to the side in thought, deliberating different possible places in my head.

"What do you think about Wales? It might not be that far away, but it's far away enough for me. And, I've always wanted to stay there."

"Then Wales it is." Gabriel's smile still hadn't left his lips, and I could see how happy all this made him. Maybe he wanted to get away from the war just as much as I did. I think the war was driving us all a bit crazy, and getting away from all of this madness would definitely be close to paradise. Especially when it was with Gabriel. 

"Then lets run away. Together." The words leaving my lips caused a hopeful smile to curve my lips, and I knew that no matter where we went, as long as I was with Gabriel, everything was going to be alright.

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